Sunday, February 16, 2014

Prosecuting Raila :Ex-Treason Convict Serial Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I hereby continue with the sms excepts. "They are beating me up calling the cops for arrest coz I won't agree to their incest and homosexuality,please help."Dated 21st January 2014. 0949hours.{HRW and ROYAL Consulate of The Netherlands.} "They have banned me from their house hungry and cold pending arrest.Could your office please relay the message and extend your sphere of Human Rights Watch to my case as expressed in the blog site above?It's all cause I won't indulge in their incest/homosexual beckoning s.The accident Victim Compensation case by Owade and Commissioner for Oaths is all done except for towing the Kihara Construction canter which is being played cat and mouse.It's all I am waiting for before I leave and it's what the Establishment is holding on by proxy. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno." Dated 21st-Jan-2014.1021hours.{HRW and The Royal Consulate of The Netherlands.} "He threatens to chop me up with a machete-slasher sharpened on both sides which he's chased me all over the compound and now inside the house with as I come to charge the phone and wait for their food which they have banned me from.I don't know how I will survive till I get the accident money.I hope your office will see me through please."Dated 21st-Jan-2014. 1152hours. {HRW} Thence followed the other excerpt which I copied on this site in my last blog.That excerpt was relayed to the Migori Law Courts on the 6th-Feb-2014.Thereafter,after I'd reported the case to the Migori police station I communicated again to the HRW THUS: "Dear Sir/Madam,I reported the assault case yesterday and was asked 1st for witnesses then rounded to to contacts of the criminals which missing I told them by mouth they are wanted at the station on arrival at their house. Yours Faithfully, Erick Otieno."Dated 11th-Feb-2014.1531hours.The same was relayed to the Migori Law Courts on the 13th-Feb-2014.Then I sms'ed another excerpt to The Migori Law Courts Reading thus:"Dear Sir/Madam,the assault case arises from cultural conflict due to disagreeing to indulge in their incest/homosexual beckoning s which I have tried to solve over time with relatives on both sides in vain.The accident Victim Compensation case by Owade Advocates and Commissioner for Oathes is all done except for towing of The Kihara Construction canter which is being played cat and mouse.It's what I am waiting for before I leave and it's what the parties involved are holding on by proxy.Could your office please help in letter and spirit of the constitution as exemplified in The Judiciary Marches Week? Yours Faithfully,Erick Otieno. Well that said and done I would now like to elaborate explicitly and implicitly the circumstances under which the above are taking place.Indeed The 21st of January saw all hell break loose in tandem with the premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized assault by the mother of the family of my siblings wanting to indulge me/show me by force her nakedness always mark timing me at the pit latrine whenever I go for a bath yet there are 2 toilets in their main house.This is their stratagem for picking quarrels with me them being SYCOPHANTS of THE ESTABLISHMENT cause I can't and I guess nobody else would fathom incestuous and homosexual intercourse with the old folks of the family of their siblings. From asides I have heard this is a stratagem of them secret society of witches and wizards attempting to bewitch somebody so the victims either become zombies or succumb to their arranged customary marriages after the power of the magic of MATERNAL-TRANSFER regarding sexual intercourse with their old folks has worked-out{rd: cultural epithet/stooge.}This stratagem of leaving the privacy of their 2 toilets in their main house to time me when taking a bath in the washroom cubicles enclosed with the 2 pit latrines in the outside compound just so I can feel and hear their nakedness is a common favorite and I not being able to fathom such barbaric savage tricks have had to walk out of the bath cubicles with soap all over my body till they are done.....many a times.On the other hand this despicable beastly behavior I have experienced with the mother of the family of my siblings when passing each other in the corridors from drinking water in the kitchen pot whereby she usually spreads herself swinging her arms wide enough to cover the corridor breadth in a manner suggesting she wants to grab at my private parts whereby I have had to throw my good self against the corridor walls many a times. You know,I never asked to come to their house for one since I was deported following the CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT fronted by IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARD and THE BODY GUARD OF RAILA and spear headed by the witchdoctors of the brotherly duo of the ESTABLISHMENT.Thus did I tell them when they broke hell loose upon my head that they have no right whatsoever to ban m e from their house since it's their connivance with the ESTABLISHMENT by proxy that's keeping me waiting incarcerated at animal-husbandry and zero-grazing.Next time they assault me I may just be forced to defend my good self till the day I get my accident victim compensation money.This quarrel-picks and attack threats you will guess are a stratagem geared to raise the alarm with their fellow archaic ODM neighborhood mobs to come and join them in ambush and insurgency.They are re-enacting death rituals and so what ever happens in the future,death or hospital admission let the world know which parties in the ESTABLISHMENT and community to point fingers at and hold responsible. By the way it would be imperative to mention that machete chopping cases abound in plenty in these parts of the world e.g.citizen T.V. on 23rd-Jan-2014 whereby a 16yr old girl stabs 33yr old cousin to death.Along the same vein and length he changes the channel when news emerge of a Kisumu medic arrested for selling blood meant for transfusion to patients meaning he'd wanted to bleed me when they re-enacted the death rituals what with hims chasing me around with a slasher-machete whilst her wife was busy hurling stone missiles at me.It is indeed a pity that while the rest of the industrialized developed world is steadfastly marching towards the ultimate United Nations civilized empire,this old stone age river lake Nilote savage species is still stuck in the primitive retrogressive lay culture of fertility reproductive cults on one side and SPIRITUAL ANIMISM rites of birth and dispatcher to the here after land of the dead in effect worshiping Mr Death{rd: the cruel hand of death} and the dead. Now if I may shed some light on the accident case;we have been through all the preliminaries including filling the prerequisite medical examination report,traffic police report,X-ray radio-graph report and the bills incurred both by the advocate and my self on the physiotherapy program me {though I'd promised to pay the physiotherapist on the proceeds of the accident compensation.}The Kihara Construction canter was followed all the way to Rongo and I was promised to be up-dated once the advocate had come to consensus with the contractor.Hence was I told to strictly adhere to protocol and only appear at the office when called upon.The traffic police cops including the base commander and the officer in charge of my case1 Langat had then come to the conclusion that since the paper work had sufficed their requirements and all that was pending was the towing of the canter the the advocate and I were to hold vigil at all times for the vehicle and contact them cops immediately we should come across the canter. That's where Sam 1 of the legal assistants followed the canter all the way to Rongo and that was last year.Sam communicated once before the year end and this year early January I had to pay them a courtesy call whereby Akuku 1 of them legal assistants claimed the accident case had kind of collapsed and its file closed whereby I promptly reminded him of the Sam endeavors. So we agreed to pick-up from there afterwards when the other legal assistants Sam and Moses would be present since the office hadn't yet officially opened anyway. Mind you the accident had affected my right kneecap as well and I am left limping should I attempt to walk any long distances and thus I am left hanging in the air since I can't get the regular up-dates unless they phone me for protocol reasons.Yet all that remains is the towing of the canter vehicle. You see,I plan to start a life in building a career in Tourism and Hospitality as a Free Lance Tour Guide to be based at the sea side Old Town port of FORT JESUS built by the Portuguese where I have been a member of The Old Town Community Workers Organization with the accident victim compensation proceeds.In relation to the above indignation I think it would be astutely in order in the future fine days to come if the arrogant brutish ESTABLISHMENT was given an awakening chop on the stem albeit legally through non-violence means {like Scotland and Ireland, once comrades-at-arms have done and are on the final leg of doing to the once formerly great Britain} to be separated from the Coast as per the pre colonial 10mile strip pact agreement.Great Britain is doomed to be left hanging with only England and Wales and along the same vein and length the 10mile coastal strip pact should be rightfully returned to them real owners; namely the indigenous coastal s and the descendants of the Oman Sultanate Arabs to obliterate and salvage them from the economic subjugation/apartheid/exploitation which have seen them suffer at the hands of the ESTABLISHMENT since those days.Thus down with the Union Jack of them Emis and Emas,down with the Establishment,down with the IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARDS AND RAILA BODY GUARDS,down with THE CLEAR JUBILEE BUILDING MANUSCRIPT.Thumbs-up Ireland,thumbs-up Scotland, thumbs-up Zanzibar.As an active member of the Old Town Community Workers Organization, we worked with multitudes in event management in conjunction with the Old Town Tournament Organizers responsible for organizing open sea swimming galas,triathlons and decathlons. There's an old adage that says Englishers are thieves and liers.Let the world know that with the ESTABLISHMENT duo brothers fronted by the RAILA BODY GUARDS and the IKENYA CAREER BODY GUARDS,they are dealing with MASTER FREEMASON ILLUMINATI ILLUSIONISTS defining what the society at large is to believe,see,think, hence channeling their responses,attitudes,approaches,mentality and behavior through carefully and precisely per-meditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized vicious mendacious rhetoric mathematical astrology animism and imposed intentions,impressions,mirror-images and inferiority complexes. Later logistics.

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