Saturday, August 03, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body. Things are getting worse by the day and I am afraid my life is in complete danger. I can not promise to continue delivering my evidence-submissions promptly because,due to the sensitivity of the matter above incriminating the culpable parties concerned/involved. Nonetheless for a historical preview/showcasing of how the republic deals with dissenting voices of reason, I would please like to request you My Lords and Ladies to refer to The Daily Nation Newspaper of either The 6th or 7th July of 2013 commemorating the emancipation for multiparty politics in Kenya in the now-known as "saba-saba" affair whereby the formerly formidable Kenneth Matiba became a victim of the state and was treated to stroke strategy which has now permanently put him on a wheel chair after struggling on and off in vain. It is usually a case of "THE ESTABLISHMENT" [rd: the stake holders] playing hitherto hide and seek games with victims to be held asunder whereby the stake holders adopt a mode of "see-no-evil,hear-no-evil" and let all the prescribed evil unleash on the unsuspecting victim. The stake holders, though they have their own differences and traditional feuds usually turn a blind eye and deaf ears when there is an incumbent unsuspecting victim and they let the full force of "THE ESTABLISHMENT" do its evil thing. That is what almost happened to me except by the grace of the almighty I am still on my feet and moving. Otherwise, I am living on borrowed time and I am very afraid "THE ESTABLISHMENT" may strike any time/day. It is going to be taking longer and longer unless I get resources to continue submitting these evidences.It is the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing tactic they are using subjecting me to what could be termed "house arrest" cause they are still withholding my accident-victim compensation money which I intend to use to complete the evidence submissions as well as to start a new life since going by the consistency of the "THE ESTABLISHMENT," It is surely certain as the sun will rise tomorrow that I have no future in Kenya nor do I have a chance of living a normal life any more than any of the latter unsuspecting political victims of "THE ESTABLISHMENT." Later logistics.

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