Wednesday, May 22, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex Treason Convict and Serial,Ritual,Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I would like to categorically state that I will be using the term "the parents of my siblings" excluding "I" for obvious reasons as we proceed forth with the submissions of evidence for the above filed case due to inherent,ingrained and irreconcilable domestic,household,tribal,customary,ethnic beliefs,rituals,traditional differences which will continue to be more self-evident and explanatory as we continue with the proceedings. The a fore-mentioned "parents of my siblings" are puppets of Raila,part and parcel of his secret society powers-of-darkness since every preconceived move [especially the derogatory,dehumanizing crime of attempting forced, ritual, traditional customary marriage and the vampire-horrific,cabbage-turning medical crime attempts which almost paralyzed my spinal-chord which would have crippled me to a wheelchair ] made by Raila is sanctioned by them;this viewed from the inter clan kinship marriage and political history interconnecting links. This is in the view that after all I am headed anyway,to legally cutting-off relations with them so as to completely overhaul Raila from my back since they are his puppets so as to get-off the threat of living under the blade,shadow or dark clouds of being confronted with repeated cycles of arbitrary arrests and animal- later power interruptions.

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