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Thursday, February 07, 2013

POLITICS : The Ironies of The Tragedies and Comedies Bedeviling Kenyan Politics.

Hi progressive peoples allover the world, hope in your countries you are all equal before the law and that non is more equal than the other or is treated unequivocally. I would like to state that we Kenyans appear to have the curse of the gods upon us simply because of this fellow of a p.m.,pretender to The Seat of The Office of The President and masquerading as a liberal democratic leader. The problem with this fellow is that he has 'The Big Man Syndrome' quiet popular in this parts of the world. He outright overlooks his political/government peers, chides and sneers at them regarding them as non-entities, beginners in the political scenario which he gloats to have been in long before some of them were adults. Thus he derives his roguishness,uncouthness,his unpolished unprincipled mannerisms,his carelessness, his lack of courtesy and his non-observance of any etiquette whatsoever. Thai is precisely why he has become a political failure, a poor finisher if viewed from the perspective of football which he stitches the crowds with whenever he runs out of issues and begins mimicking football commentators impersonating his favorite players in regard to his rebellious approach of 'turning over the tables in the face of his political peers and attempting to take over the business of running the government.' He does not stand-up to meet the threshold/criterion of 'His Excellency The President' simply cause of this 'Big Man Syndrome' attitude he carries everywhere with him in both public and personal relations partnerships be it politics or business. Thus people have developed an endemic fear for him over all these years he has been in politics. He has no discipline himself yet he falsely claims it is the 1 thing he wants to instill in government . Indeed, quoting from what 1 of his political peers whispered in his ears at 1 time, I would like to remind him that Statesmanship Excellency, the business of running the government needs the serious approach of a Stock Market Exchange and not the comic approach of running a fish market because its sensitivity lies in the hold of a peoples lives at ransom at the breath or lack thereof of the President's word. It has everything to do with improving the economy read at the G.D.P. We demand figures and pertinent clear-cut issues. I think so far, we Kenyans have an Idi Amin Dada in the waiting should we make the mistake of choosing to elect this fellow of a p.m. He is waiting to load it over the political peers and the populace at large. He is going to attempt {attempt cause I am sure Kenyans won't take lying, not with the new dispensation} down to have a personal grip on everything and everybody everywhere He is known to react to issues at the spur of the moment and does not have the patience nor the discipline nor the reason to respond to issues. He is a 'Gate Crasher' and that is why he lacks the prerequisite organization skills clearly apparent in his deficiency of decorum in his rallies as well as launch-eons. Precisely so because he is always in a hurry to out-do all the other political peers. Indeed, if these forth-coming elections are going to be won on a 'may-the-best-man-win' platform, based on the sales and marketing/advertising, organization skills and competence of the aspirants, then he has already lost cause his dais is always enrolled in dis-order and chaos with allies scrambling for the mic and trying to out-do themselves in hoarding praises to the persona of the p.m. Sometimes he even dresses like he is going to his cow pen to dip the cattle, completely out-of touch and place with the statesmanship code. Later, logistics.

Monday, February 04, 2013

POLITICS : The Ironies of The Tragedies and Comedies Bediling Kenyan Politics.

It is only now 28 days to the much anticipated 4th March polls and the Kenyan politician species is not disappointing at all with its absurd theatrics. Some have their mind-sets/frames still in the post independence era. It is all about statesmanship and the politicians, most of them acting like the pretenders to the throne they are, are running helter-skelter tumbling allover themselves, others fumbling with words while others yet still gathering no mosses. Some appear like they are scared of themselves and to the public it appears like they don't even trust themselves with the responsibilities that come appended to the highest office on land, the office of the president.The immediate former president retired to albeit his supposed pastoralism life; grazing cattle,goats and sheep or literally speaking tending, to his ranch.The incumbent is waiting to retire to his hobby, playing golf and most probably it will be at his presumably 'life member' Muthaiga Golf Course Club. The current p.m. being the other principal/partner in the coalition government should be preparing to hang his gloves, throw-in his towel and go shopping for a 1:frying pan, 2:tonnes of frying oil and 3:bundles of baking flour/powder. These items are going to come in handy after the elections when the fact of political oblivion strikes him in the face and he be forced to practice what he has always anticipated all along in regard to his skills/capabilities as a statesmanship material and begin the full length of a career as a 'mandazi' chef. 'Mandazi' is a Kenyan term for traditional dough looking like doughnuts popular on the Kenyan tables for breakfast. He has got no presidential material in him so to speak of precisely because he harbors 'dictatorial tendencies' and thus usually leaves his allies/cronies buffled and lost for words or thoughts for that matter. He has no courtesy, never observes any rules of etiquette nor follows laid down procedures of protocol in any event. He usually tends to over crowd his allies/cronies and makes sure they are left with no democratic breathing-space/room. He will over ride and out-rule everybody out-rightly choosing to over-look the laid down divisions of power and the prerequisite hierarchy in any organized, constituted administrative legal underpinnings. Hence, it has been whispered that not only is he feared rather that respected in Kenya but the case is the same in the whole East African region especially with regard to the East African Community, a block of about 5 countries. There is an economic-political plan to merge the trading-economic blocks and with time come-up with an establishment akin to The E.U., U.S.A., NATO, etc and that in the future there be elected a president from among the former president's club {not con-current sitting president's}to act as a ceremonious supervisor of the countries forming party to the economic-political block. The rumor mills are ripe with the hidden fears of both sitting and immediate former presidents that this fellow of a p.m. being an ex-treason convict defined by his raw passion for power would not be a refined choice for a round-table mate in the likely scenario that he would go ahead and clinch The Office of The President of East Africa, one time after having successfully completed a 1 or 2 year term as a president of Kenya. The league of E.A. presidents are said not to be sitting at ease with this wild idea, except for being diplomatic in public relations, they haven't shouted it to his face! I would like to now go ahead and quote some of the p.m.'s infamous expression for want of raw power and I would like to begin with a strike of the public transport workers sometime last year in Nairobi when they were objecting to the high handedness of the traffic cops in regard to the observance of the rule of traffic which were introduced by a former the-late minister for transport to curb the high cases of road accidents which can largely be preventable if simple road transport thresholds/standards are adhered to. The p.m. of all the public servants rushed to the scene just because it was a readily available mammoth crowd which could be perceived as a probable source of cheap votes and went on to dismiss all the painstaking rules and obligations that had been put in place as a priority concern by parliament for the ordinary life of the Kenyan citizenry to the amazement of every informed Kenyan including the traffic police which in turn categorically retorted to him and the erroneous public transport workers that laid down rules and regulations by legislature suffrage would be followed in letter and spirit, Kenya being a Republic founded upon the rule of law. Another occasion is just recently when The President appointed a commission of Inquiry by The National Police Service to investigate the infiltration of an alleged fake-reserve cop in to the ranks and files of the Police Service which factored in to the killings of over 40 just-graduated recruits cops sent to restore peace in inter tribal clashes in 1 Baragoi area of The Rift valley. The commission came-up with the recommendation that 2 top cops involved in the infiltration and personification of the fake cop who coerced his way into their rank and file be dismissed and /or retired from service and the service be given a thorough shake-up to counter check any such incidences if they might still linger within their corridors. [There have always been cases of ghost workers in the government and its parastatals but this was the 1st incidence in police service.] I was surprised and taken aback when the p.m. declared at a rally that he had received word {whether through emissaries or his consorts nobody knows}that the alleged fake cop wanted to see him and he was smiling with glee you would think it was the secretary general of the U.N. who had requested to see him. It left the informed to quiz and wonder what kind of a persona this fellow of a p.m. was. He has no principles and even though he was garlanded with the non constitution existent post of p.m. making him instantly the other senior coalition principal partner besides the president honoring him with the responsibility of running the government hand-in-hand with the president, he still could not stand either to the etiquette nor courtesy nor the diplomacy involved in such matters touching on the security of the state. The state house regalia does not fit him.He still behaves like he was in the opposition even when he is expected to partner to the reigns of government. He talks of the police like they were his antagonists, like he still has bones to chew with them reminiscent of his rebel opposition days when he was always on the run, wanted for treason and always treated perceived like the suspect he behaves. I think he exhibits a personality/identity disorder and should seek the services of a shrink. He is self destructive at best and should be saved from himself and from the public he intends to exploit and abuse for his dirty games. The way he addresses rallies would make anybody in their right senses suspect he has hidden militants in the crowds and as such I would like to caution all peace loving Kenyans to be worry of their counterparts in the rallies as well as the security forces to cordon-off all his rallies just in case he still harbors those guerrilla warfare antics and save peace loving Kenyans any violent surprises. He is not to be trusted.. You see in his private quest for the highest office in the land, he tends to forget that it is all about working toward achieving universal standards of life for the ordinary citizenry to help them achieve substantial change and thus happiness in life which is an index for the measurement of development. He thinks the presidency is about personal glorification and that is why he is ever surprised when the numbers at rallies never translate to a landslide in the votes. I would like to alert him that people are usually mesmerized by his unpopular theatrics and the large numbers at the rallies only represent bored citizens out for a circus to see for themselves this clown of a fellow acting as a pretender to the throne. To him it is about 'the end justifying the means.' Later, logistics.

Friday, February 01, 2013

POLITICS : The Ironies of The Tragedies and Comedies Bedeviling Kenyan Politicsg

Hi everyone, I have finally managed to once again squeeze some time to access the global audience. Times are dire and call for desperate tough measures/resolutions otherwise bad things might follow especially given that it's only 30 days to go to the elections. The other day 9 presidential candidates and their respective running mates presented their prerequisite papers/documents and themselves for vetting by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission flanked by their ardent supporters in and outside The KICC. Eight passed the thresh-hold while the 9th failed simply because him and his running mate could not make it in time. The IEBC was following/adhering to laid down rules in letter and spirit laying down a model for the presidential contenders to prescribe to as a rude awakening to the realities and expectations of the Kenyan people vis-a-vis the newly dispensed constitution. If one can not simply stand the test of keeping punctual time frames, then it follows logically that they are not fit to run The Office of The Chief at the location level, so they automatically have no business aspiring to run The Highest Office in land, The land of Kenya, measuring approximately 5,000 thousand square feet. The two main/major camps belittling the p.m., v.p. and former long serving foreign affairs minister vis-a-vis the ICC duo of a deputy prime minister and the former agriculture minister are the cocks to look-out for. There have been claims in the media that the rallies are by large pulled,mobilized,orchestrated,organized,choreographed, along ethnic lines thus polarizing whole regions which in turn is feared/seen as a subconscious gear-up for possible chaos,disorder,violence,i.e. large scale breach of peace more or less similar to the 2007 post election violence. You see, my analysis/view/ is that the CORD coalition of the p.m., v.p., and former foreign minister is a mirage because it is based on the fallacy of pity and empathy of being a continuation of the push for change that so the incumbent President in to office by the collective bargain/consensus that pitted the Kenyan people vis-a-vis the then professor of politics, the immediate former president. The factors for one that governed the sway of the Kenyan voter have changed and as such that position does not mirror the fact on the ground.Secondly,the government that is retiring was a product of mediation talks by the group of elites led by the enviable Koffi Annan who brought the bickering parties to the table and got them to share the national cake albeit unwillingly. And share it they did right down the middle from the ministries to the provincial administration and civil service. This included Chiefs and office messengers. Thus, This CORD affair is not based on any stringent,competent,integral,performance, issue-oriented criteria/thresholds/standards. In any case,the v.p. and the former foreign minister have always been at odds with the p.m. during the Incumbent's regime and so they are only coalescing to preserve their individual personal statuses and vested interests. I wouldn't be any more surprised should the v.p. or the former foreign minister quit the rocking boat of the p.m. for the same reason that the other immediate erstwhile lieutenants did. Even his immediate ex-running mate quit in a huff to to find room for democracy to prevail in party politics when it comes to nominating presidential flag bearers. The p.m.'s boat whichever he forms never managers to sail the political waters without major break-offs and fall-apart s. This is largely because his is a one man show and he is known to breath hard on everybody's neck. He calls all the shots and shouts down/out any body who dare have a different opinion. The office of the president has sadly become a personal thing for him since the 82's when he attempted to throw a coup and hundreds lost their lives. You will hear him in rallies echoing the old guerrilla warfare spirit when he eerily starts to command the crowds calling them 'my soldiers' and telling them to 'quick march' to his orders on his way to state house, commander-in-chief ot the armed forces even in an unnecessary country like Kenya. He has never made it through the ballot and if history is to repeat itself he is neither going to make it this time around. I would advice him to start plotting a 2nd strategy plan 'B' along the grounds of secession/guerrilla warfare should he be once again disappointed by the results. I will elaborate further, excuse me.

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