Tuesday, November 27, 2012

RELIGION : Reading FromThe Script of Science.

It was observed a long time ago that religion is {like} an opium to {of} the masses. In other words this means that the masses are addicted to religion and they thus can not do without it, reasons best known by their respective shepherds. Still on the same length religion simply translates to worshiping of ancestors / forefathers;this means following the way of the ancestors / forefathers. Hence from the above postulation we realize that the followers of Christianity are invariably followers of Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ {peace be upon his followers} and they congregate at churches as opposed to the followers of Judaism who are invariably followers of Mosaic law derived from the teachings of Moses as enshrined by the pharisees and Sadducees who congregate at the synagogues and this also is in opposition to the followers of Islam who are invariably followers of Mohammad as enshrined in their scriptures. You see Man is a social believing animal and due to the factors defining his origin is evil by nature and as such is always in due need for a continuum rebirth, salvation so as to save his soul so as to achieve / realize re-attachment to the sense of humanity; that sense of belonging to {forces of} good as opposed to the forces of evil. This is where all the confusion begins for in this world of today, Man is lost what with all the mysterious queries pertaining to the origin of life as well as the here after, and since the established religions lack definite answers they put in dogmas as safety valves. The shepherds are conniving masters of the mind choosing to exploit and subject the lay blind masses to the whims, becks and call of their narrow-veiled vested-interest opinions / perceptions, approach to life, Well, unfortunately The Truth is a subject ONLY to the measurement of the yard stick of science and can not be left to mythological, dogmatic belief systems falsely proclaiming to be the sole way and means to utopia. The blind/lay masses must be facilitated, empowered and brain re-programmed with reasonable/rational thought processes/patterns so as to acquire the prerequisite thinking capacities to make informed decisions and choices as pertains to the inherent fears/phobias as regards the origin of life and the here-after. Excuse me please, I will elaborate later due to logistics, I had to squeeze-in after such a long time due to logistics.

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