Saturday, June 02, 2012

THE LAW : Government Hypocricy, Sycophancy, Psychology and Mentality Vs. Marijuana .

Oh yes. Hi, how's everybody out there. Can't help feeling as if we are existing inside a dungeon down here in Africa , third world. You know there's a difference between merely existing and really living.Whilst existing you only survive on the barest of basics, trying to eke a living, each day facing the same shit counting the days and nights.Whereas in living one has purchasing power, choice and access. Then amidst all this emptiness and hopelessness envisaged / visited upon the ordinaries in their dungeon-third-world-life comes somebody with all the uninformed, unenlightened zeal and goes ahead to pull  a trigger or just kill one way or the other.........end somebody's life just because they were smoking some natural herb to try and forget the useless existence { for the large lay and / or peasant majority } visited upon them by the high and mighty? Well people smoke, self-inject, sniff, chew, drink , have sex for all the different reasons best known to them.
What I find shockingly unfathomable is the fact that homosexuals { gays and lesbians } can be allowed / let to have their cake and eat the church and outside it. Now what's the greater evil between smoking some natural herb and engaging in unnatural sexual acts?! You see ,what the 'holier than thou's' are in self denial about though they practice subconsciously is that sex is the most basic of needs once one reaches the mature / ripe age of sexual activity.....both for their physical as well as mental well being.That's why religious leaders aren't left behind in the urge, demand ans satisfaction of their sexual calls / needs.They sodomize the altar and madras young, immature and  helpless devotees only for the religious institutions to be plagued in sexual offenses scandals.
Well, it has been claimed by learned experts that whatsoever happens within the precincts of anybody's four wall isn't and shouldn't be subjected to the law, civil or criminal unless somebody complains.Now countries which haven't legalized same-sex marriages are on the pressure to do so from our brothers and sisters who have progressed, are democratic and very civilized.It's said within some quarters that people especially men are afraid of gays and homosexuality cause it's kinda contagious disease which may plague one should they associate with confessed orientates.Well however much the society buries its head in the sand, homosexuality, prostitution , abortion, marijuana, cocaine, heroine { i.e. drugs } are real in the community everywhere in the society. I think the best approach since governments are but servants of the electorate is that the governments should  legalize all these old trades like they already have in some countries, regulate the usage in a hygienic and  lawful manner, collect their accrued taxes and call it a day!
 This is because lots of people the world over walk, talk and even look like the homosexuals, prostitutes, abortionists, marijuana consumers they are. Later virtual s.

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