Thursday, May 24, 2012

POLITICS : Superstititions

Hi virtual s, long time no communicate. I am telling you it's a crazy world down here...... in this dungeon of a state.Today I take this opportunity to share with you my thoughts about superstitions and belief systems  as is lived-out here.Our world here is mainly governed on beliefs and not reasonable information as pertains to the scientific world. We are coming close to elections early March next year and the witchcraft market is full of buzz cause politicians of all walks of life , informed as well as primitive are going to jostle the ques to their different 'medicine men' for or rather to appease the gods that be for a success in the elections.
All those people you here that go to worship houses in the shepherding of 'the men of cloth' still visit the more popular and practical Sherman. The Sherman or witchcraft practitioner rules everyday lives using different apparatuses including verses of some 'holy books.' Thus, the 'evil eye' is a common phenomenon in our societies and albinos are a great ingredient in the concoctions of the magic men.The political share-holders bid a huge part of their political muscle stake on the word of these witchcraft practitioners and so are our elections riddled with bloodshed and massive irregularities. These medicine men will decide who marries who, who gets what job or for that matter who's business succeeds. I'll elaborate later please,logistics.

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