Friday, May 25, 2012

POLITICS : Superstition.

Yeh my friend , as I was saying, regarding the place of belief systems in this second millennium, twenty first century; a large part of our society { rd: Africa third world countries }have their life styles defined by a subconscious deeply entrenched in the mysterious power of witchcraft / magic. What has been shelved by others in the bins of history is still very much alive with us .To elaborate more,take the fathomable example of another category of these witches / wizards: the the beholders of the evil eye.This sector specializes on unleashing / perpetrating their evil wishes just by casting their eyes on the targeted victim. It's usually  directed to breast-feeding babies and feeding adults / kids  where by all that is ingested and digested turns-out rotting once it lands in the pot-belly of the victim; the victim then consequently falls ill moments after and may be left to die that very day unless an expert whistle-blower diagnoses the cause from the symptoms and advices on the customary prescriptions involving the evil-eyed culprit sharing the same food / drink from one plate or cup with the victim to neutralize and reverse the death sentence. I wonder what satisfaction they get from such murders when they get away with it.
Anther instance is exemplified by the night-runners whereby some have in their custody the arm of a dead person with which should they succeed to slap one with, they go instantly dumb........on the spot never to speak again.There is also the instance whereby the witch will place some evil concoction on some 'wanted victim's' path knowing pretty well their daily routines; once the victim  crosses this paraphernalia they are on death row, doomed to die under mysterious circumstances or illnesses. The again we have those witches who have the habit of making people sleep-walk and go on ahead to dig their farms in the dead of the night before retiring once again to their beds { before the cocks crow };only to wake-up the next day muddied allover their legs and feeling exceptionally dead -tired without knowing why.Again these same kind of witch has the mysterious powers to make it rain only in their farm-plots leaving all the other surrounding farms as sunny-dry as  drought-stricken arid lands to the bewilderment of the neighborhood. Alas, know then my dear friend that with this weird species of witches and wizards, they can only marry amongst themselves for they can not procreate with mere human beings who don't posses these powers. So should you happen to fall in love with a witch or a wizard as the case may be , they will have to secretly induct you in to the practices of this secret-society, either formerly under hypnosis without your permission { for in such a case it's a 'dear-love' situation }or as a hobby-play-not-so-serious-a-thing, with your permission. There is no turning back once you are in, it's that addictive and that deadly serious! Then , for the jinni-keepers, the family usually sacrifices one of their offspring who is turned in to a kind of a zombie / zoo-zoo.......they look like they have the down's syndrome what with saliva slimming down their mouths and dim-wits. They are kept for the rest of their lives ........i.e. if they are allowed a long life span. In most case , they die young so as not to raise any eye-brows. They are called the sin-eaters, the evil-warders,  those who pave the way for the good, riches and success of the family.
Hence is the continent stuck in the dark ages for science is disregarded and not fully exploited only to the extent of the basic infrastructures: a road here, a school there, a hospital, shopping center hundreds of miles apart. A large fraction of the political leaders in government are number one devotees of witchcraft especially come election. The Sherman trade advertisements for all and sundry are in every corner square-inch of the towns and cities. The politicians-devotees need human sacrifices for them to succeed in securing their statuses in government.Just wait and see for yourselves, count the number of unwarranted mysterious deaths and violence s then keep me in the know. Later, logistics.

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