Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Incomplete Pending Petition Print-Out Submission to ODPP Migori Subject to resources; SOS. :- I Erick Mango charge President Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-Premier Raila Odinga with co-conspirators including two OCSs at Migori Police Station, ex-Chief Amara, current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori, AP Police Owino, Peter Mango, Pamela Mango and others pawns on the ground as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses, commit misdemeanors, felonies including defilement and murder contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224; These charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63 Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2), including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incestuous-and-homosexual harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010:- [ I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA.

I Erick Mango charge President Uhuru Kenyatta and ex-Premier Raila Odinga with co-conspirators including two OCSs at Migori Police Station, ex-Chief Amara, current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori, AP Police Owino, Peter Mango, Pamela Mango and others pawns on the ground as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses, commit misdemeanors, felonies including defilement and murder contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224; These charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63 Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2), including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incestuous-and-homosexual harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010:- [ I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of the SOA.


[1.]:- The latest turn of events has been brought forth by a conspiratorial pattern of continuous violations of the law by the mentioned accused in the title notice-of-motion above concerning a repeated series-of-crimes in which the most recent happened on the 5th of August 2021 for which went to  formally file the  complaints after drafting on Saturday  the 7th August 2021 at Migori Police Station at a snail's pace cause of the exhausting extreme hunger-torture ritual-cycles I was still recovering from; and where the Front-Desk told me to go to the crimes office who directed me to return on the morrow [ 8/08/2021 ] cause of renovations that were taking place.      

[2.]:- The amicable OCS on Sunday the 8th August 2021 [ a different one ] smartly dressed in a suit and hat told me to present my case the following day with the ODPP Migori cause of the complex, interconnected, conspiratorial nature of my case touching on the President Uhuru and ex-Premier Raila. At first he'd asked me to report as formally with the 'report desk' which I told him was the one that had sent me there. So he lent me an ear as I briefed him on the criminal conspiracy & sex crime charges' various counts of each before suggesting midway I present my case to the DCI the following Monday; but then my file caught his sight and he inquired of the contents for which I opened it for his perusal presenting him with different files chronicling the 14+ OBs interconnecting with the criminal conspiracies of which I updated him the more as he perused. That's when he finally told me the conspiratorial nature of my case was complex since it touches on Uhuru and Raila and thus directed that I present the same to the ODPP Migori on the morrow.

[3.]:- It took a while as I prepared waiting to go present my case to the ODPP Migori cause ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru by proxy of his 'Brookside Dairy Jacket' paid-pawn witches [ defendants Pamela and Peter Mango ] still tried to sabotage my submissions of evidence with them  taking breakfast and leaving for town while I’d to guess on my first ration { as if I'd asked to come to their abode }; Thus did the defendant parties exploit  the hunger-torture starvations cyclic-rituals to wonna obstruct my presentation of the facts and evidence of the case.

[4.]:- I finally made it to the ODPP Migori on Tuesday  10th August 2021 where the Secretariat after preliminaries led me to the Prosecution Counsel whom I briefed adequately also regarding my charges of criminal conspiracies and criminal sexual conducts both on numerous counts and incriminating President Uhuru  and ex-Premier Raila  as Chief-defendants / architects amongst adversely mentioned co-conspirator accomplices and others. The lady Prosecution Counsel told me they deal with printed submissions / complaints and advised me to print-out the soft copies I'd relayed to civil society groups including the legal fraternity then submit the same to her. I asked for more time due to wanting resources which could be elusive since I would’ve to flash friends and well-wishers for soft loans / spare cash to bullet and print-out the soft copies.

[5.]:- Fast rewind to June 2012 where I was wrongfully and unlawfully arrested,  detained,  prosecuted,  jailed & relocated / evicted / transported  to Migori by Uhuru’s Mombasa Municipal Council police conveniently-animistically called Ikenya plus Swaleh and another third one violating my rights to liberty.


[6.]:- The first defendant’s the President of Kenya and C-in-C of the KDF President Uhuru Kenyatta whom I

           together  with ;    

[7.]:- The second defendant ex-Premier Raila Odinga ;  and

[8.]:- The third defendant Peter Mango ; { the plaintiff’s alleged father pending estrangement proceedings } plus

            his wife below ;

[9.]:-  The fourth defendant Pamela Mango ; I charge all { i.e. defendants nos. 6-9 }

                       {a.}- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                   Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                   regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                    Code; as read together with

                      {b.}-  "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                     Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                      including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-

                                      harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;                                 

                       {c.}- Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

 [10.]:- The fifth defendants are 3 Mombasa Municipal Council Police including Ikenya, Swaleh and another

               Whom all three I charge with :-

                        {a.}:-  Wrongful and unlawful arrest, detention, prosecution, jail, & bail ; while
                        {b.}:- For Ikenya additionally I charge him with forced relocation / eviction / transportation  to         
                                  Migori plus

                                  {b1.}:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                              Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                              regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal Code; 

                                               as read together with ; 

                                  {b2.}:- "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                                Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                                including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-


harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;  and

                                    {b3.}:-  Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

 [11.]:- The sixth defendant’s OCS-1 ; 

 [12.]:- The seventh defendant’s OCS-2 ;

 [13]:- The eighth defendant’s ex-Chief Amara of Suna East Migori  ;

 [14]:- The ninth defendant’s current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori  ;

 [15.]:-The tenth defendant’s Administration Police Owino of Chamkombe Kakrao ;

            all whom { i.e. defendants no. 10-14 }  I charge with :-

                         {a}:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                  Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                  regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                   Code; as read together with,

                         {b.}:- "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63

                                     Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2),

                                     including indecent-acts / assaults as regards incest and homosexual-

                                     harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010;

[16.]:- The eleventh defendants are the Mombasa 'JomvuuKuu GoK fire-arm licensed Benz witchdoctor Omar'

             Plus the two policemen in uniform whom I charge with :-

                       {a.}:- Abduction and enforced-disappearance contrary to Article 258 Cap. 63 ;  and

                       {b.}:- Witchcraft contrary to Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 

[17.]:- The twelfth defendants are brothers Paul Mango and Joseph Olala whom I charge with :-

                       [a.]:- Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses,

                                  Commit misdemeanors and felonies including murder and defilement as

                                  regards sodomy contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224 of the Penal

                                   Code; as read together with,

                       [b.]:- Threat to life contrary to Section 223 (1) of the Penal Code ; and

                       [c.]:-  Attempted human-trafficking contrary to the 'Counter-Trafficking in Persons Act' No. 8 of

                                 2010   Cap. 61 CoK-2010 and the UN Convention Against Organized Crime supplemented by

                                the  'Palermo Protocol' 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Change in approach to filing the criminal sexual charges one-by-one pending ODPP Migori submissions as witches'-nest co-conspirator pawns continue the offensive onslaught; SOS. [ Finally made it to ODPP Migori where the Secretariat after preliminaries led me to the Prosecution Counsel whom I briefed adequately also regarding my charges of criminal conspiracies and criminal sexual conducts both on numerous counts and incriminating President Uhuru as Chief-defendant / architect amongs adversely mentioned accomplices and others. The lady Prosecution Counsel told me they deal with printed submissions / complaints and adviced me to print-out the soft copies I'd relayed to civil society groups including the legal fraternity the submit the same to her. I asked for more time due to wanting resources which could be elusive. Hence flashing friends and well-wishers for soft loans / spare cash to bullet and print-out the soft copies. { MPESA:- +254723047863 or +254764087863 }. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam,
                           It took a while as indicated below before the title
events yielded. {
{ Still haven't eaten nothing yet as Uhuru's pawn-witches have their
breakfast in the kitchen while I gotta guess my first meal ration
pending ODPP 1105hrs; SOS. ] Yesterday I tasted the first meal ration
of the day at supper tabled at 2040hrs consisting of a paltry handful
of cabbages and like 4-tiny-pieces of meat; Thus I finally bathed
after that supper at around 2110hrs cause of the exhausting,
emaciating energylessness requiring you cease all efforts at any
physical work even carrying a bucket of water or walking; SOS. Thus
today waiting again to go present the facts and evidence of my case to
the ODPP Migori if Uhuru and co. don't put me on another
hunger-torture strain till supper. SOS }. [ 9/08/2021 ]:- Uhuru, GoK,
IPOA, ODPP, Judiciary & co. are
Uhuru's GoK's endless dehumanization, cyclic-ritual starvation torture persecutions proxy of
his Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket pawns the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute
[substantiated] has to do with the incriminating-evidence of my broad
lawsuit including the 14+ OBs being obstructed for
want of processing costs due to the delayed-injustice of my 9.1yrs
Kihara-Construction accident evidence-destruction/spoliation damages amounting to now KShs
10m+ ; This was once clarified by ODPP Migori asking how I expected the same GoK I
intended to sue to process my damages and
facilitate the litigation in turn; quoting thus defense of the accused
as did ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru in refusing to part with the
incriminating phone-transcripts and telephone-records evidence. Thus
my 10m+ damages risks embezzlement while my life's threatened with
death as Sanctioned by
the GoK c/o mouth-piece ex-Chief Amara and co. at the grassroots. I
pray for political asylum. SOS. { }.
Now that it's been deduced that the President doesn't enjoy absolute
immunity as highlighted in the "Republic v. CJ & 6 others {2010}" plus
"Nyarotho vs. AG & 3 others {2013}" High Court rulings in addition to
the BBI Judgement; both in his official capacity and liability in
personal responsibility, for constitutional & legal transgressions as
well as for any loss that may ensue as a result of his own actions or
omissions; my learned Lords and Ladies, members of the Bench and
members of the Bar, I've been thrown back to square-A as was aptly put
in context by the ODPP Migori when quoting defense of the President
asked how I expected the same GoK I intended to sue to process my now
9.1yrs 10m+ damages and facilitate the same. Thanks to the case law
developments above I've drafted and relayed the soft copies of part of
my broad lawsuit against the GoK adversely mentioning / touching on
President Uhuru 'cept for the stalemate that the ODPP Migori requires
a printed hard-copy for formal due process
which cause of the injustice of my delayed 9.1yrs Kihara Construction
accident litigation actual & punitive 10m+ damages {
} cause sadist Uhuru's been brood-sitting pretty on the same
exploiting his erstwhile mis-informed unlawful and illegal executive
orders [
] to wonna call the shots and put constitutional offices including the
Judiciary, IPOA, ODPP under his armpit for his becks, calls & whims;
I'm left flashing friends & well-wishers hourly as highlighted in the
title for soft loans to print-out the petition due to still being
under his imposed penilessness-pauperism 3D 'passive male'-existence
under the-poverty-line subject to his cyclic-ritual hunger-torture
starvations because of the captive-siege's imposed dependency on mandatory
systems of commitment [ #FreeBritney #TheReturnOfICC ]. SOS. That
much said I would like to state that the witches'-nest co-conspirators in
the ODPP Migori pending case-submission have taken on the offensive
yet again derriding the fact that the pending submission may take like
forever before any criminals are brought to book [ for want of
resources ] same as the 9.1yrs accident case and thus the new
onslaughts. The boiled-eggs seller was there at the water-hole / kiosk
scene-of-crime [ 9th August 2021 ] to come oogle at me as I bowed to
fill my 1.5l bottle; while Victor AP cop Owino's farmhand [
] marktimmed me yesterday [ 10th August 2021 ] to borrow a knife from
the kiosk he wanted to cut a 30l bottle's neck for which as I filled
my 1.5l bottle, he was finished and wanted to brush past my 'buttocks'
as he passed behind me insultingly suggestively like the conspirators
members have premonitioned; forcing me to duck thrusting my waist
forward as I stood-upright quickly to avoid any touches!
All these sexual offences are contrary to Cap. 63 Sections 145 (1), 144
(1) (3.), 157, 162, 165 as read together with the SOA Sections 2 (1),
5 and 12. Henceforth I've changed approach and will begin charging
perpetrators of the same personally and individually pending
litigation of the ODPP Migori petition submission and so I take leave
to ask the IG of Police Mutyambai to facilitate a conducive
environment at Migori Police Station where on Sunday 8th August 2021
as I briefed the new OCS I'd heard from outside his window another cop
in 'asides' repeat the phrase, "Huyu mjamaa amerudi hapa tena?" in a
marked pattern to dissuade me for purposes of obstructing justice and
the rule of law; though I can thankfully report that I'm gainning my
composure again from the systematic, consistent, widespread
intimidation, discrimination and outlawing. Thank you in
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Monday, August 09, 2021

{8/08/21 at 1540hrs} The amicable OCS [a different one] smartly dressed in a suit and hat told me to present my case tomorrow with the ODPP Migori cause of the complex interconnected conspiratorial nature of my case touching on the President Uhuru and Raila. At first he'd asked me to report as formally with the report-desk which I told him was the one that had sent me there. So he lent me an ear as I briefed him on the criminal conspiracy & sex crime charges' various counts of each before suggesting midway I present my case to the DCI tomorrow Monday; but then my file caught his sight and he inquired of the contents for which I opened it for his perusal presenting him with different files chronicling the 14+ OBs interconnecting with the criminal conspiracies of which I updated him the more as he perused. That's when he finally told me the conspiratorial nature of my case was complex since it touches on Uhuru and Raila and thus directed that I present the same to the ODPP tomorrow.

Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2021 15:00:22 +0100

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                           SOS. The ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK together with his cocoon of witches occult including powerful Benz motorist licensed fire-armed holder Omari of JK Mombasa plus his paid pawns witches the gay-witch and quickie-prostitute [ substantiated ] have resorted to the extreme 1-meal-ration every 24hrs hunger-torture starvation contrary to Article 29 CoK-2010 including the UN Convention Against Torture simply cause I was scheduled to present the facts and evidence of my criminal-conspiracies & criminal-sexual-conduct charges against President Uhuru and his accomplices today to the ODPP Migori today. Assist get food and present my case soonest. Thank you in advance.
Yours Faithfully, 
 Erick Mango. 

NB: [ Bathing postponed till after supper ]. Get a taste of the direct connection btw the cyclic-ritual
hunger-torture starvations and sadist Uhuru's justice-obstructions as I haven't eaten nothing since morn. { 9/08/21 1400hrs } meaning [ As I prepare waiting to go present my case to the ODPP Migori ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru by proxy of his 'BrokeSide Dairy Jacket' paid-pawn witches are still trying to sabotage my submissions of evidence with the later taking breakfast and leaving for town while I gotta guess on my first ration { as if I'd asked to come to their abode }; Thus exploiting the hunger-torture starvations cyclic-rituals to wonna obstruct my presentation of facts and evidence of the case. SOS. {


Friday, August 06, 2021

I Erick Mango charge President Uhuru Kenyatta with accomplices including two OCSs at Migori Police Station, ex-Chief Amara, current Chief Onyango of Suna East Migori, AP Police Owino, Peter Mango, Pamela Mango plus like six pawns on the ground as listed on the statement below with Criminal-Conspiracies to defeat justice and interfere with witnesses, commit misdemeanours, felonies including defilement and murder contrary to Sections 117, 393, 395, 157, 224; These charged together with "A Series of Sexual-Crimes" contrary to the Sexual-Offenses Act Cap.63 Articles 162 (c), 165, 2 (4), 23 (3) (d), 145 (1), 144 (1) (3), 5, 12, 20 (1 ) (2), including indecent-acts/assaults as regards incest and homosexual- harassments Penal-Code CoK-2010:- [ I urge the CJ in accordance with the edict in Article 10 CoK-2010 to exercise her powers under Article 161 (2) (a) as read together with provisions of the Rules of Court Section 2 (1) regarding the National Policy Guideline on the Administration of th

NB: Civil society groups bear with me a little my Yahoo mail account I
use to send you correspondence has developed interface technicalities.

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                           The latest turn of events has been brought forth by a conspiratorial pattern of continuous violations 
of the law by the mentioned accused in the title notice-of-motion above concerning a repeated series-of-crimes in 
which the most recent happened yesterday [ 5-08-2021 ] for which I'll file complaints tomorrow at Migori Police
Station:- { How Sadist, 'Penis Envy' [rd: Sexology] Bori / GLBTQ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge 'Mixed Orientation Marriage' Compulsive-Neurotic, Sex-Pervert, Dysfunctional 'Turpin' Witches Exploit The Either Wichcraftly-Acquired or Genetically-Inherited DMD For Their Married-But-Gay Gender-Conformity Mandatory Mixed-Orientation-Marriage Commitment Ends:- Molecular Phylogenetics v. Hominid Fossils analogy vis-à-vis Maternal Paternal DNA Testing v. ECGD/Step-Families' Cultural Evidence [ Original Birth Certificate Name 'Henry' changed to 'Erick' ]; SOS. ]; [ ].
                          Yesterday I bathed after 2045hrs' supper; Bites yet [5/08/2021 1845hrs]-You can imagine still starving  having eaten nothing since morn. and the jealousy gay-witch comes to munch snacks in the living-room loudly for the  benefit of my ears [ as if I'd asked to come to their abode ]. Exact Turpins-of-US strategies. They've cooked but waiting till late  to table rations. AP cop Owino's piped water sanctuary's becoming the more crowded with conspiratorial guys [ Polls certify  Kisumu leads Kenya in homosexuality ] in apparent mark-timings jus' when I go to fill the complimentary 1.5l water bottle  [ when you've to bow to sink-in the bottle's cup ] which's what's seen me through the day. So an apparently gay-guy couldn't  wait to come behind me bumper to bumper in insulting sex crime provocation as s/he pretended to reach for something over the counter he'd forgotten; for which the witches'-nest is exploiting my weariness exhaustion outta the emaciating hunger-tortures; they're sulking their conspiracies haven't yielded.
                         Thus such is the extreme, cruel, under-&-malnutrition growth-stunting, energy-emaciating hunger-torture dehumanization cyclic-rituals the witches have been forcing me to undergo ever since I set foot here in Migori following the  wrongful, unlawful arrest, detention and forced-eviction / relocation from Mombasa by Municipal Council cop conveniently- animistically called Ikenya ( after Kenyatta ) & two others akin to the Turpins of California 
The links within the one below demonstrate the recent cycle of events when for like two weeks the starvations worsened btw  11th July and 2nd August 2021 amid conspiracies of 'enforced disappearance' by Uhuru's GoK Jinn-Theocracy covert state  agencies in the scenario link involving George Okoth at the Migori Market Matatu Stage. { }
                           Otherwise, the extreme period was like 3 weeks for which it's still going on with  impunity as Uhuru's GoK  brood-sit pretty on my 9.1yrs 10m+ in damages; Now the obnoxious  criminal sexual conducts as regards incestuous-&-homosexual harassment serial, psychopath, mark-timing-tracking witch-hunting set-ups including the conspiratorial perpetrators mentioned  above and their accomplices plus occultism are summarized in the link 
and it details the instances, patterns and chain-of-events including of indecent exposures acts  and / or assaults; which have continued to leave traumatizing emotional scars not to mention the  defamation accruing from the same as the Bori / GLBTQ aka Lamu / Bondo-Usenge witches occult  try to force me to conform to their 'married but gay' mixed-orientation marriages. SOS. Thus did one of the accused OCSs conspiratorially denounce my homosexual harassment charges  { which increase with the  hunger-tortures like the most recent scenario illustrated with the latest photos-merge attachment } preferring instead to only  wonna deal with sodomy cases which  have evidence of penetration verifiable via semen P3 Medical Examinations; before  he sought to  humiliate me with the, "Has he fucked you?"-question followed by summarily dismissing after tearing  the Kihara Construction accident P3 Form and adding that he don't think I should return again! SOS. 
                           President Uhuru Kenyatta's complicity comes in many façades starting by his animism name-sake Ikenya the Msa Municipal Council cop to the assigned masonic sleeping quarters built another  animism-convenient namesake mason-carpenter called Kenyatta who sarcastically welcomed me to  Lamu in Migori not forgetting he'd proposed they'll make  arrangements I live with another man  { insulting my senior bachelorhood striving to find a lady of my tastes under the arrested-development circumstances }  once they deal me a job with their boss a Mr. Hongo. Then there's another 'married but gay'  Engineer Emmanuel Edgar  Sirma who confessed to having been kissed once { at least } by a white male in Carnivore Club Nrb  which conveniently-coincidentally happens to be Uhuru's ex-hanging club! Emmanuel gave me Nobel Laureate  Prof. Wangari  Maathai's book 'Unbowed' whose title in ambiguity again speaks volumes... this and many more tell-all related links including 
Uhuru's psychology whining not to be Joho's wife can be found in } ; the gay-witches' boyfriend-maid escapades included with sadist 'penis envy' [ rd: Sexology ] Uhuru's Brokeside Dairy Jacket  filling-in the missing link as regards their meeting & orientations.
     {1.}:- 'Animisms' is a particular sensibility and way of relating to other worldly beings where it involves attributing 
sentience, a latent, invisible, vital-force, force-of-life, to other beings both animate-and-inanimate including persons, animals and places. The doctrine or philosophy of 'animism' rests in the belief that all natural things both animate-and-inanimate like  the sun or thunder or lightening possess a latent, immaterial force including spirits aka souls which can influence human events. 
     {2.}:- The doctrine of 'Contagion' holds that members of close-pairs can reciprocally influence each others' physiological reciprocity such that, e.g. girls, say of a dormitory in a boarding school will end-up having the same dates-and-days of their menstrual-cycles. 
     {3.}:- 'Voodoo' is a religious-cult involving witchcraft-and-communication by trance with ancestors and 'animistic' 
deities; communication with the dead which's a form of animism is a principal-feature of voodoo for which common voodoo  practices include stabbing-effigies with pin or burning the same as is popular with demonstrations with the animistic-belief that the same fate will befall those assumed or personified by the effigies.... in the same sense 'emotional-contagion' is the influence of others' emotions-and-behaviors, directly-or-indirectly, via verbal-or-physical expressions of conscious-or-unconscious acts! 
   {4.}:- The Government-of-Kenya is a 'Jinn-Theocracy' Ancestor / Death'-Occult and not a 'Constitutional-Democracy' where dead-ancestors are considered divine and activities including ritual, magical-or-religious observances are organized-and-conducted to respect their memory and invoke their aid, e.g. 
           {a.}:- the KDF-guys El-Ade massacre by Al-Shabab in Somalia where it  took the Gok  four-days to respond                       to the emergency with border-police on-duty dispatched from the Somalia-border to go survey the                             situation in El-Ade, or
           {b.}:- President Uhuru trying to animistically-mimic his father the first-President Jomo Kenyatta's historical                         pattern in his fall-out with the Deputy-President and his eventual arrest-and-detaining of him; the same                      fate that befell Jaramogi Oginga Odinga thus awaits to befall William Ruto  cause President Uhuru is an                    'Animist-Contagion-Witch' running the Jinn-Theocracy Government-of-Kenya whose political-power he                      primarily exercises allegedly on behalf of a personified supreme-leader  deity-ancestor according to his                      principles-and-requirements since the founding-father's law constitute both their zombie-death-occult                        animistic-religion and civil-obligations. Check how he assassinated an unsuspecting MP who'd fell on his animism-witchcraft radar along Kenyatta Avenue  in Nairobi.      ]
                   NB:- Thus the El-Ade massacre KDF-guys were sacrificed to the ancestors lying in the mausoleums as                            many unsuspecting guys certainly will be if they don't take caution in the names of places they visit                            or names of the people they cross-paths with! Beware.
                          The case of ex-Chief Amara having sanctioned my death before his council of village elders on behalf of  Uhuru and his GoK is found in the preceding link too in a summary I wrote to then Secretary of Interior regarding the threat he was following-up with tracking-stalking me with unknown assailants same as what was conspicuously showing-up with the recent Migori Market Matatu Stage of which reliable informed sources have told me  there was plans of 'enforced disappearance' by Uhuru's sanctioned state agencies same as when his Jinn-Theocracy  GoK did the same in Mombasa at Uhuru Gardens through his licensed firearm witchdoctor Omari with cops in blue on guard before they drove me in their Mercedes Benz to Jomvu Kuu [ JK ] on a forced two weeks witchcraft sojourn when the  GoK put my Safaricom line phone on emergency-mode cutting me off-communication! SOS. They tried to pull the same again in Randa Kitembe Tanzania with Uhuru's pawns via proxies yet again though the plan got foiled-up / botched. They got a price on my head. The Jomvu Kuu two weeks sojourn involved Raila's body guard showing-up as was introduced by Omari the witchdoctor who boasts of GoK rank & file clientele! I pray for political asylum. Tomorrow like I'd requested the IG Mutyambei earlier-on I call upon his office & powers to guarantee my safety lest adversely mentioned cops or on behalf of ICC-Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru harboring grudges should pull a trigger on me 

Section 2 of the Witchcraft Act Cap. 67 prohibits witchcraft and states that: 
Any person who hold themselves out as witchdoctors able to cause fear, annoyance or injury to another in mind, person or property; or who pretends to exercise any kind of supernatural power, witchcraft, sorcery or enchantment calculated to cause such fear, annoyance or injury, shall be guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.
President Uhuru engages in acts of witchcraft and visits and consults witchdoctors as substantiated for above and in other links and so his power, position, wealth and connections enabled him to infringe and violate my rights and freedoms and it's a high time he was held to account.
I pray the matter be certified as urgent in court
                       Uhuru's the Chief architect of the conspiracy as the animism names rubberstamp his criminal conspiracy signature. The personal vendetta including 'penis envy' [ rd: sexology ] sadism Uhuru has on my manhood { for which he's imposed a pennilessness-pauperism 'passive male 3D-existence } can be seen in the bait he put on me when he @puktta liked my @JasonBo19914761 birthday wishes to HM Queen Elizabeth II on Twitter; which in turn humbled me to respond by following his account only to realize 'twas the animist-sadist's way of seeking audience for what I ran on when I next checked his account in the cybers shocked me in a reply he'd made to one Erick @amerix on 6th March 2021 [ which you can cross-check unless if he's deleted it by now: "Pussified men beg women to send them nudes and because they have zero penetration power they use the nudes to masturbate. Stop this behavior. Respect yourself. #MasculinitySaturday " Masculinity of which the sadist GLBTQ-veiled weirdo 'Man-hater' President has been undermining mine. Now that I got an opportunity to respond, I jus' wonna say the proof of the pudding's in the eating; for which he can test megoodol'self with any female member of his family at least for a night [ his loo-bat kith Judy Macharia aka 'Mpenzi-jinn' says they, i.e. the Kenyattas 
are as many as a district ], to confide him the results on the morrow. Period. 
                           In "Republic v. Chief Justice  of Kenya & 6 others Ex-parte Moijo Mataiya Ole Kewua [2010] 
and Nyarotho vs. Attorney General & 3 others [2013],' the High Court of Kenya held that a Sitting President can be sued in his official capacity for constitutional and legal transgressions; while in "David Ndii & others v. Attorney General and others" aka the BBI Case, the BBI judgement held that a sitting president could be sued in his personal capacity for violating the constitution and the law contrary to Articles 143 (1) & (2) governing criminal and civil proceedings against the State President. Thus the President doesn't enjoy absolute immunity relying on Article 259 to give Article 143 (2) a wider interpretation. Hence the constitutional provisions protecting the President from legal proceedings are against public policy when it's used in a manner likely to affect the interest of an individual or issues concerning human rights [ Article 25 and 48 ] and environmental protection meant for the greater public good. I urge the CJ to use this jurisdiction to summon the President at Migori Police Station. I pray the CJ to exercise her powers in alignment with the rule of law consistently with the CoK-2010 and in effect allow me to access justice and the right to a fair hearing. I urge the CJ to invoke her powers as President of the Supreme Court to secure my rights to due process and the course of justice for expeditious determinations before a competent law courts basing on intelligent conviction and not passions, beliefs or political masses. I pray the CJ makes cogent and all-encompassing Rules of Court for the implementation of the Sexual Offenses Act Section 47A effectively to address gray areas, lacuna and challenges; as well as to ensure respects for the rights and dignity of the victim / survivors essential to achieving justice and checking that justice is seen to be done. The criminal-conspiracy accused and their accomplices share club memberships across many societies including close-knit SACCOS, merry-go-rounds, churches, political parties, tribes and so they've had close interactions raising perception biases and conflicts of interests as can be corroborated in their phone transcripts. 
Thank you in advance. 
Yours Faithfully, 
Erick Mango.

Thursday, August 05, 2021

Quickie-prostitute [substantiated] is back and resumes marktimming-trackings; Racist Uhuru and Raila; Marriage sexual-selection jealousies; { ICC- Indicted mass-murderer Uhuru's GoK's political-legal abuses has imposed me penilessness- pauperism passive-male 3D-existence and is thus effectively discriminating me in the matter of my 10m+ Kihara- Construction accident evidence-destruction/spoilation case gathering dust with ODPP-and-IPOA similar to the racial-hierarchy caste-system like in India or the US which's jus' evolving into a more rationally-equitable society as demonstrated by the recent voting along policy-issues for the rule-of-law and adoption by the Supreme Court of a universal-health-insurance cover both which cut across the racial-divide regardless: Support human rights to reclaim my life, my wife, my kids, my family, my money, my biz/jobs, my way. ; Guilty Uhuru, Raila, GoK & co. are scared of the rule-of-law and due process so they front kangaroo courts; SOS.

Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021, 05:36:26 PM GMT+6

Dear Sir / Madam, 
                            [ The filthy quickie-prostitute [substantiated] is
back this morn. [2-08-2021] so you can expect the health-hazard,
cockroach / maggot-infested, market-stench overstayed rotting fish they
relish; soiled / snailed omena / dagaa. When the gay-witch takes over the
kitchen [unlike the Maragoli whom it's taboo for males to stray into
the kitchen] he jus' cooks meat & potatoes or chicken or eggs, 'cept
he'll disgustingly selfishly filthy them with re-gurgles so you don't
touch them. Waiting for first bites [1230hrs] :- [1-08-2021] Morn.
'twas 4 tiny rounded 'mandazis' and water you remain famished-with the
whole day as you feel the energies drain off your body; then the
belching gay witch makes sure supper's late towards 2100hrs extending
the excruciating hunger-tortures. The milk he takes 350ml he still
enjoys with meat and potatoes while I'm only left with appr. 150ml
plus the ugali and water [as if I'd asked to come to their abode] yet
sadist Uhuru's GoK's brood-sitting pretty on my 10m+ in damages.
                          Thus by 3rd August the self-bleaching, quickie-prostitute was back to
her tracking-marktimming witch mode at the pitlatrines jus' as I was
headed to bath from collecting water at the well like's demonstrated
in the latest attachments; for which the goal's to psychologically
mind-associate her filthy whore's vagina with my penis in
psychic-witchcraft as is highlighted in the footnotes of 'The Witch
Trials of Salem.' As I'm writing they had their breakfast like usual
early in the morn. before the gay-witch left for town while I gotta
guess my first ration well past noon [ 1215hrs ]. My prayers are for a
speedy processing of my 10m+ damages [
] & [ https//
] for which sadist Uhuru & his GoK are discriminating against me along
imposed racist-hierarchy caste-system as summarized in the title.
Guilty, they're scared stiff of the rule-of-law & due process
so they're trying to front kangaroo courts in conspiracy attempts to
wonna sabotage my broad lawsuit [ 
incriminating them and their licensed firearm witchdoctor in Jomvu Kuu Mombasa plus the one
procured virtue of Mombasa County Cop Ikenya in Migori the day before
the accident of 14th June 2012 ; not to mention the 14+ OBs at Migori
Police Station pending processing for want of fee / costs due to the
delayed injustice of my 10m+ Kihara Construction accident
evidence-destruction/spoilation case [
]. The racism of sadist Uhuru was brought to the fore when he
myopically and unreasonably with fallacy vehemently decried and banned
the innocent global holiday of 'Boxing Day' of 26th Dec. as the world
prepares to usher-in a new year; opting to replace it with indigenous
culture in a mad opposition to what the thickets of his mental
apparatus erroneously think is White or European culture!

Still haven't eaten nothing yet since morn. as the belly-full
witches prolong the hunger-torture perhaps till supper to
restart the 1-meal ration starvations every 24hrs. I'm
flashing friends & well-wishers hourly for spare cash
for bites: SOS [ MPESA:- +254723047863 or +254764087863 ]. 
The updates I was writing may have to wait till a future date.


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Suffering Treatable-Infections Flu-Fever I Managed With Tele-Health OTC Tabs Though Still Vulnerable Cause I Can't Afford The SHA / SHIF Premiums Yet For A Determinate Lab Diagnosis Should Symptoms Persist Or In Case of Emergency; Still Banned-Muzzled From The Basic Right-of-Access-To-Mobile-Internet By Ruto-GoK Setting Grounds For Estranged-Witches' Exploitation Of SOA / PADVA / Witchcraft Crimes Besides Basic-Hygiene Mudslinging / Gaslighting; Jealous Trousered-and-Skirted Apes Scare My Willing Girls / Ladies Amid Manipulated Sorcery-Abuse With Mostta The Food-Kiosks and Political-Legal-Pauperism-Abuse With Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled Recorded OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Pending Resolution To Privately Prosecute and My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie/Child-Physique making-of-archetypes" prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to date or marry at 46yrs. : Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-committment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie/Child-Physique making-of-archetypes" prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to date or marry at 46yrs. SOS

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