Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi every body. Things are getting worse by the day and I am afraid my life is in complete danger. I can not promise to continue delivering my evidence-submissions promptly because,due to the sensitivity of the matter above incriminating the culpable parties concerned/involved. Nonetheless for a historical preview/showcasing of how the republic deals with dissenting voices of reason, I would please like to request you My Lords and Ladies to refer to The Daily Nation Newspaper of either The 6th or 7th July of 2013 commemorating the emancipation for multiparty politics in Kenya in the now-known as "saba-saba" affair whereby the formerly formidable Kenneth Matiba became a victim of the state and was treated to stroke strategy which has now permanently put him on a wheel chair after struggling on and off in vain. It is usually a case of "THE ESTABLISHMENT" [rd: the stake holders] playing hitherto hide and seek games with victims to be held asunder whereby the stake holders adopt a mode of "see-no-evil,hear-no-evil" and let all the prescribed evil unleash on the unsuspecting victim. The stake holders, though they have their own differences and traditional feuds usually turn a blind eye and deaf ears when there is an incumbent unsuspecting victim and they let the full force of "THE ESTABLISHMENT" do its evil thing. That is what almost happened to me except by the grace of the almighty I am still on my feet and moving. Otherwise, I am living on borrowed time and I am very afraid "THE ESTABLISHMENT" may strike any time/day. It is going to be taking longer and longer unless I get resources to continue submitting these evidences.It is the animal-husbandry and zero-grazing tactic they are using subjecting me to what could be termed "house arrest" cause they are still withholding my accident-victim compensation money which I intend to use to complete the evidence submissions as well as to start a new life since going by the consistency of the "THE ESTABLISHMENT," It is surely certain as the sun will rise tomorrow that I have no future in Kenya nor do I have a chance of living a normal life any more than any of the latter unsuspecting political victims of "THE ESTABLISHMENT." Later logistics.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. The witchcraft of/by animism is more or less the same as the witchcraft of voodoo whereby what evil intention is wished for is pre-projected/drawn/choreographed into kind of a mirror-image/lookalike of the real catch-22 scenario/situation. In the witch-craft of Voodoo,the witch-hunters keep an "EFFIGY" of the targeted victim and do with it what they wish to happen to the "REAL" victim. It is an ancient witchcraft of old practiced by the hunter-gatherer community of the stone-age who would engrave the the images of the wild animals they wished to successfully hunt,spear,arrow,club or stone to their last breath,death. As we proceed forth with the submissions of evidence,allow me to give the full list of THE JUBILEE CLEAR MANUSCRIPT WITCH-HUNTER AGENTS in relation to the prank calls,cry wolf Pavlov dog-experiment,carrot and stick,double speakings,carnivorous plants and widow spider mechanisms/strategies being applied in my catch-22 predicament/situation. I would also like to remind you My Lords and Ladies that the witchcraft of animism in this my catch-22 predicament situation is found in the CO-RELATION of THE NAMES OF THE AGENTS/PLACES/THINGS......names,names,names : thus a co-relation of these names reveals the consistency of intentions of the pre-projected/choreographed mirror-images. Hence from THE JUBILEE BUILDING CLEAR LAW FIRM MANUSCRIPT along Moi Avenue,there's the vampire/devil agent hailing from across the cemetry in Ganjoni [ prnounce as GUN-JOHNNIE to capture the animism ] called "EMI" and her accomplice called "OMONDI." In Migori's OWADE ADVOCATES and COMMISSIONER for OATHS there's : "JOSEPHINE," "SAM," "AKUKU," and "MOSES." Then from the Local/County Government of Municipal Councils there's : "IKENYA" from Mombasa and "EMA" plus "JAPHETH" [ pronounce as JAH-FAITH to capture the animism ] of Migori Municipal Council. Then last but not least interestingly there's a next-door-neighbor, light-skinned like "EMI" and a friend to the "parents of the family of my siblings." All of the above are secret society agents/firms tracking the continuation of THE JUBILEE CLEAR LAW MANUSCRIPT FIRM WITCH-HUNTER AGENTS mechanisms being applied in my CATCH-22 predicament situation and 1 can easily co-relate the witch-craft of animism in the names [ "OMONDI-EMI" Verses "IKENYA-EMA" ] and [ "CLEAR ADVOCATES" Verses "OWADE ADVOCATES." ] I will elaborate on the above at the end of the deportation when we meet IKENYA's counterparts EMA and JAPHETH of Migori Municipal Council and after the accident when we I later seek legal assistance from OWADE ADVOCATES where we'll meet Sam,Josephine,Moses and Akuku. The above are all incorporated in continuing the "ORIGINAL CONSISTENCY OF EVIL INTENTIONS of THE JUBILEE BUILDING CLEAR LAW FIRM MANUSCRIPT WITCH-HUNTER AGENT MECHANISMS/STRATEGIES mentioned above. As Ikenya and I drank a bottle or two in preparation for the deportation journey I couldn't believe my eyes when he suddenly broke down in tears as he phoned his wife fearing the outcome of the "something-jinn" removal procedure though I initially thought he feared an accident could occur cause he simply said that in a journey, one never knows what may happen. Thus did he set all the alarm bells ringing/flaring in my subconscious wondering what gigantic threat could be lying in store/wait for me in the land of Lake Victoria for he even cautioned his Kenya Navy Military Personnel brother to take care of his wife and kid just in case he never made it back alive. I took this as a sour joke for I thought if there were any tears to be shed, I should have been the one shedding them tears then for fear of short life seemingly hanging on a thread and hinging on what seemed to be borrowed time. I saw clearly through his animistic thoughts and crocodile tears that he indeed was mocking my edgy CATCH-22 predicament situation. This is because the Luos have professional mourners for hire and it's no big deal to feign crocodile tears and sorrow at such occasions like Ikenya seemed to be apparently doing. The West Coach bus departed from Mwembe Tayari at 1500hours on The 12th of June 2012with Ikenya and I sharing 2 seats behind the seat the mother of the family of my siblings was booked-on. We traveled without qualms all the way all the night with few stoppages here and there except for one thing that became the "HALL MARK" of the deportation journey,i.e. Raila's spouse,Ida's rural ancestoral home of which the mother of the family of my siblings was so jovial,jubilant and excited about gowing almost "jumpy-jumpy" she could barely stay riveted on her seat always reminding us/Ikenya [ cause you can tell by then from my ordeal prior to the journey that I wasn't happy at all,that indeed I was sullen and on a very dull mood and neither on talking terms with it has always been anyway ]to get ready to be shown the location/area/zone of Ida's rural ancestral roots. Such was the aura of the deportation journey in the bus and by the time we hit the Kisii-Migori highway,so did the excitement,jubilation and exhilaration accelerate as well. Finally,somewhere mid-way between Kisii and Migori as we were zooming by, the mother of the family of my siblings stood and opened the bus window wide and pointed the rural ancestral home of Raila's spouse Ida hidden amongst behind tall trees not very far from the highway with all the jubilation,excitement and exhilaration she could foster and we equally turned stretching our necks to catch a glimpse of the fading homestead behind amongst tall trees of what seemed to have been the epitome climax of the deportation journey. Amazing. One needn't be told who were or which parties concerned were calling the shots with regard to this deportation journey. Not long afterward s,the mother of the family of my siblings also made a point to point to us her rural ancestral home at a place/stage called STELLA found in the area wider location of what is called OYANI-MASAI found in the zone called KANYAMKAGO. OYANI is called OYANI-MASAI case it borders MASAI land whereby cattle-rustling between the MASAI and the LUOS of OYANI was a tradition-custom of old in the near past. The two communities also inter-married and as one would expect they also shared and exchanged maby other cultural practices. Now this is where the inter-marriage kinship interconnecting links between Ida's clan and that of the mother of the family of my siblings comes into play/picture :The late maternal grandfather of the family of the mother of my siblings one,OCHOLLA was a Port of Mombasa retiree initially married to 3 wives before inheriting a 4th [ one ],i.e. wife [ with whom they sired 3 extra daughters ] from his late older brother, 1 OSOO who like him also worked at The Port of Mombasa prior to his demise. Those were the days! When OSOO passed away,the inherited wife got a post and continued working at The Port till a few years ago when she also retired. SHE IS FIRST-COUSINS with Ida's mother who was a pioneer nurse in Kenya......PERIOD. A few months into the deportation journey, a cousin-brother of the mother of the family of my siblings called TABU,Swahili for problems passed away and family and relatives gathered at Migori level 4 District hospital mortuary to transport the body to OYANI-MASAI KANYAMKAGO roots ancestral home for the funeral. I joined the procession as a last respects courtesy protocol by virtue of friendly aunts namely TABU,ASMA,nad JUDY at the morgue where we met other members of this large extended family. There I was approached by a younger sister by age of OCHOLLA'S 4th inherited wife who I'd never met before and after exchanging acquaintances,she went-on to tell I how big their extended family was and braggingly almost arrogantly took the pleasure to reveal to me JUST HOW MANY DOCTORS and LAWYERS there are/ they have in that large extended family. My Lords and My Ladies,in relation to the above somebody needs to check-out OMONDI of JUBILEE CLEAR LAW FIRM cause I suspect,unless I am mistaken whereby I stand to be corrected that he could be one of those member-lawyers of this large extended family I was being bragged-of about....PERIOD. Cause otherwise,what point or reference could this 1st cousin of Ida's mother be trying to make/brag about the number of lawyers and doctors they have,a t a morgue-funeral gathering/procession? I wonder later, logistics.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. Raila is a NEUROTIC. The secret society of Raila's O.D.M. kingdom is a vampire,a Dracula,a devil surviving on human blood and flesh in terms of traditional,customary,ritual,sacrificial executed deaths. Most of the deaths pass on unnoticed,recorded as circumstantial normal deaths yet in real sense,these serial,psychopath,sacrificial murders [deaths] have usually been way long in coming whereby the unsuspecting victims usually have these premeditated ,orchestrated,choreographed,organized,coordinated,precise-mathematical-astrology,vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism murders [deaths] coming long way before any suspicious eyebrows can be raised or any interconnecting-interlinking circumstantial detailed-evidence summed-up. The secretariat of this evil secret society of O.D.M. kingdom CLEARLY have [as I can now reveal/attest to from a first-hand victim's catch-22 point of view] a scheduled manuscript program me of varying options of how to to go about killing/murdering/executing their sacrificial victims once they have decided to literally WITCH-HUNT a certain head/ person/victim.Like the interview with the vampire in the novel "The Vampire Chronicles" this evil secret society can not stop once they have settled on a particular victim and least shocking is the fact that it's done with full assistance/ cooperation of the victim's family consent who are also usually part and parcel of this evil secret society. Once the WITCH-HUNTERS have settled on a particular person/head, their psychology and mentality works like a computerized-guided missile that has been locked-on to its target and do what 1 may, it's usually almost next to impossible,very,very difficult to shake them-off one's BACK.The victims are considered to have lived their shelf lives,expired and assumed to be living on borrowed time for they are literally viewed as "the walking dead," to be stalked by sworn deaths WITCH-HUNTERS, waiting to drop them victims dead any time like a time bomb set to explode with precise mathematical set-ups which is almost an irreversible juggernaut process. These evil O.D.M. kingdom secret society wizards,witch-hunter members are all NEUROTICS,sick in the head,in their psychology,mentality which is characterized by strong emotions,obsessions and phobias which are maladaptive,nonsensical,absurd and irrelevant in this civilized,progressive 21st century 2nd millennium global village world of today's United Nations. They act upon their victims unleashing terror with phobic,obsessive compulsive behavior. These their strong depressive emotional actions are incommensurate with the seriousness with which they regard the sacrificial CATCH-22 situation victim. They do it like in the Interview With The Vampire in The Vampire Chronicles they have changed/turned their psychology like a laser-guided missile that has been precisely mathematically-set and locked-on to their CATCH-22 victim's target disregarding all the irrationality. They are NEUROTICS,WITCH-HUNTERS,HEAD-HUNTERS,HUMAN DEVILS,VAMPIRES,THE UNDERTAKERS. The ANGLICAN CHURCH was amongst the 1st to legalize same sex marriage in it's rank and file going ahead to recognize and ordain female priest and bishops. PERIOD. Raila "JACHIEN" has been a pet of the former colonial administrators and he fallaciously-myopically thought his puppeteers would help him clinch the reigns of power of the Kenyan Republic forgetting that it's the Kenyan constituents who choose to elect their leaders. In this manner did he elbow his way to the power-sharing formula after the 2007 post election violence into the non-existent office of the Prime Minister in the old constitution. This his primitive mind-set was dependent/based upon his puppeteers given that the former colonialists had intended to give the late Doyen/Father of opposition politics, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga the seat/throne of reign power which he instead preferred [ due to his inherent philanthropy and goodwill ] to be given to the Founding Father of The Nation : Hayati, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta a.k.a. Johnstone Kamau Wa Ngugi. The social-economic-political equations then were in the hands of the colonial administrators/governors when colonies were agitating and gaining independence but over the years the status quo changed to have the social-economic-political equation in the hands of the local indigenous colonized step by step,bit by bit,mile by mile and breath by breath. Thus the mind-set of this devil Raila is still pegged in the 60's whereby he thinks he's got divine right to the seat/throne of governance and thus plummeting him to disregard the importance of the discipline of statistics in relation to advertisements,sales and marketing of ideologies,manifestos,policies;spirit of cooperation, equity,liberty,freewill,freedom of expression and conscience. Instead he prefers to sit his ass pretty disregarding all rules of protocol,decorum,courtesy and invests his trust in consulting mediums,witches,wizards and witchdoctors. He has his faith in astrology and superstition believing in invisible jinns and his puppeteers, the former colonial administrators,both who hold no stakes or sway neither in the elections nor the electorate. He is as thick as they come . He has a swollen head. That is why in 1 of his campaigns prior to the bitterly contested March 4th elections, he insinuates/dreams of building a kingdom akin to the Britain monarch,the former colonial governors/administrators, his puppeteers who have been petting him all along,prodding him to go ahead to clinch the reigns of power promising him support. Thus his illusionist broad day light dream of building this "KISUGU" [ Swahili for the ant/termite hill kingdom ] complete with soldiers drones,workers....blah,blah,blah.... Unfortunately he has a serious short-coming of realizing this hallucination of a dream due to his superstitious belief in invisible jinns which he seems direly in need-of and thus the witch-hunting and the CATCH-22 situation predicament I find my good-self in. GODDAMN HIM. Raila's secret society is following a premeditated,orchestrated.choreographed,organized,coordinated CLEAR MANUSCRIPT SCHEDULED PROGRAM ME of serial,psychopath,ritual,murders. My Lords and My Ladies, I would now request you to pay keen attention and lend me your cultivated faculty of reasoning as I begin dissecting this CLEAR MANUSCRIPT. In relation to this my CATCH-22 predicament situation,this is where THE PRANK CALLS,CRY WOLF,PAVLOV-DOG-EXPERIMENT,CARROT AND-STICK,DOUBLE SPEAKINGS,CARNIVOROUS PLANTS AND WIDOW SPIDER MECHANISMS set-in. My Lords and My Ladies, I would please like you to NOTE/MARK 1 PARTICULAR NAME: "EMI" belonging to a particular/certain evil/devil girl-agent of Raila who'd come for internship at a certain/particular LAW FIRM in Mombasa called "CLEAR," in 2006,once located in "YUSUFALI TRUST BUILDING" before being relocated to "JUBILEE BUILDING" dealing with orphans,widows and the underprivileged minorities. With hind-sight I can now clearly attest/ confirm to the fact that EMI is a witch-hunter agent from the former colonial administrators/governors BRUTISH-BRUTAL puppeteers to help him get this "SOMETHING-JINN" so as to aid him in delivering the reigns of power on a silver platter without head-ache. She is purportedly 1 of the experts at dispatching ritual sacrificial victims to their graves/tombs. She animistic-ally lived behind a CEMETERY IN the Ganjoni area of Mombasa, the neighborhood I grew-up in. Along the same vein , I would please like you My Lords and Ladies to please NOTE/MARK another LAW FIRM located in Migori next/opposite the Migori Stadium called OWADE ADVOCATES AND COMMISSIONERS FOR OATHS. THEY ARE ALSO EVIL/ DEVIL AGENTS OF Raila perpetrating and perpetuating the unfinished business of trying to remove that "something - jinn" viewed from the perspective of "UNFINISHED BUSINESS. OWADE ADVOCATES doubles-up as the law firm dealing with my accident case. Note the names of its legal assistants : Sam,Akuku,Moses, and JOSEPHINE. Later, logistic.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. In Kisumu city the hub/capital/central business division of Luo Nyanza leads/has the highest number of homosexuals in the country Kenya followed by Mombasa and Nairobi respectively. Nairobi has exclusive gay clubs while Mombasa's Lamu, homosexuality is a cultural thing passed on from one generation to the next as a way of life. This is according to recent data as released by the media houses. With all due respects, the father of the family of my siblings insinuates,reeks-of and behooves of homosexuality;indulges in it both as a life style and a cultural practice as I will elucidate implicitly and explicitly as we go by submitting the evidence that this relates and is interconnected to this my predicament as a whole. Homosexuality is an ancient cultural tradition of many a people across the world/globe including the the Greek-Romans and the Masai-Moran, a historical fact on record.The secret society of O.D.M. kingdom is trying to initiate I in to this ritual through induced conditions as a rite of passage. On the other hand the the mother of the family of my siblings insinuates, reeks-of and behooves of incest and homosexuality as well. In public they take the air of a holier-than-thou Bishop but in the privacy of their household, they are of a very dirty-evil character whereby homosexuality and incest are part of the precise mathematical astrology rites of passage they practice as a cultural ritual in their weird devotion to Fertility/Reproductive Occultism. This secret society of O.D.M. kingdom have systematically cut me-off from society into their home-turf strong-hold house-hold of luo Nyanza so as to have a convenient conducive environment with a free legal highway to undermine my rights in a BID TO DIS-ORIENT MY SEXUALITY, by carefully engineering the induction,conditioning and perpetuation of homosexuality and incest of which they are possessed-of as a cultural way of life on 1 hand and as a way of getting their kicks on the other hand. Personally I have nothing against the GAY community that's uprising the world-over {as expressed in 1 of my earlier blogs}but for Christ's sake all and sundry should be allowed to "eat" of the fruit of their choice/what they prefer and shouldn't be infringed-upon to or threatened there-of to switch sexual orientations in favor of any other person's culture,belief,tradition,custom,ritual,world-view or rite-of-passage. The sexual dis-orientation attempts are meant to, if successful, to make me join the homosexual community as a cultural-thing way of life and if I disagree,it's supposed to render me kinda be married-off {like a girl/woman} or zombie/dander head for that matter, since they have after-all successfully stage-managed to hijack and wreck my life whereby in the present zero-grazing,animal-husbandry,catch-22 abyss situation they've entered me into-being held captive/prisoner against my will,being denied leave to start my own nuclear family given that they've colluded to delay and/or stop my accident victim compensation on 1 end while on the other, they've ensured no fixed-income job is forth-coming anywhere in the future. In comparative mythology, the SPINAL CHORD,the BACK BONE connecting to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM is commonly referred to as THE CENTRAL POLE. It is central to the body holding it together without which everything falls apart and one literally becomes a CABBAGE.The central pole is the CHIEF BODY GUARD. If it is paralyzed intentionally or by accident,one is literally finished as good as dead, a gone case. This is apparently what they intended to secretly execute when I was ambushed and arrested by a truck-load of cops from THE CENTRAL POLICE STATION, Mombasa at the PORT corporate residential home of the family of my siblings in Mombasa's Kizingo area next to 1 LOTUS HOTEL.......because of A BROKEN GLASS OF JUICE! I was taken to THE CENTRAL POLICE STATION, Mombasa, before they decided to relocate me to PORTREITZ HOSPITAL,mental department where I spent 2 weeks in solitary confinement whilst being administered mentally decapitating drugs which contributed and culminated to the intentional deconstruction of my spinal chord before being discharged to continue treatment as an out-patient scheduled to be rendered the therapy treatments sessions at their PORT corporate residence;with the medical crime wizard nurse to continue the administering of those detrimental drugs and injections periodically to their satisfaction, for something like a month or two. In Luo language, the SATAN/DEVIL is termed "JACHIEN" loosely interpreted as "the one of the behind and/or from the behind,or the back." EVIL is loosely translated to "CHIEN" meaning the lag/backwardness/hind/back. My BACK is termed "NG'EYA/onding'a" Now, Raila "odinga" hails from a constituency called BONDO where there's a place called "BONDO-USENGE. " Now "USENGE" is a Swahili term loosely interpreted to connote HOMOSEXUALITY,gayness. In old town of Fort Jesus fame, there's a joke amongst the Swahili friends of mine that homosexuality originates from this "mythological place of BONDO USENGE" of Luo Nyanza and not in Lamu as is popularly joked-of in Mombasa. I have taken this as a joke till the recent media revelations that it is indeed Kisumu City of Luo Nyanza that leads in homosexuality in the Republic of Kenya. Was I shocked! Honestly. It was just unimaginable. Now going by the animism found in correlating the names in the places,people and their accompanying witchcraft/medical criminal deeds and the general-overall atrocities and consistent intentions to commit crimes of humanity against my person,it is CLEAR that the secret society O.D.M. kingdom of Raila's witches witchdoctors,wizards and medical criminals, including the mugger-soldiers have been secretly plotting evil designs,systematically spying and surveillance on my person,killing my spirit and body bit-by-bit,targeting my backbone the spinal chord,the central pole which is the hallmark of the body holding together the body without which everything falls apart/breaks asunder. So far, the message this secret society of Raila's O.D.M. kingdom has been communicating subliminally is that they view life from the back,from the subconscious and thus this their allegations of wanting to remove their, "something-jinn" by targeting my spinal chord/back.The father and mother of the family of my siblings have secret double lives as members of this secret society of Raila's O.D.M. kingdom. As devotees of the traditional Fertility/Reproductive cult, they are very jealousy of my virility and my phallus whereby should I call a girl home for sexual intercourse,it becomes a mountainous issue with them wanting to interrogate the girl telling I that it is their quarters/cow pen I have refuge-in;their evil-eye-balls almost sprout-out of their sockets. They are literally prohibiting/depriving I from regular sex hoping to exploit/abuse trap I into their ill-myopic evil customary-traditional primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay intentions.They are "peeping toms" Later,logistics,

Friday, June 21, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody. We were booked on a 'West Coach Bus' for travel from Mombasa to Migori on the 12th of June 2012 on ticket number 54204 and departure scheduled for 1500hours. The bus office is situated in the vicinity of mwembe Tayari Market amongst other bus travel companies. We'd initially made a tour at the dilapidated Mombasa Municipal fire brigade within mwembe tayari to bid farewell to Ikenya's colleagues before making a stop for a couple of beers at the expense of Ikenya from the proceeds of the emoluments/perks accruing from the assignment of that operation on 1 hand by the municipal council and from the tokens of the scheming evil-eye of Raila's secret society O.D.M. kingdom membership;for the journey at a bar just behind the bus stage. Well,initially on the way to the M.M.C. training H.Q.'s at Tudor,we'd gone to 1 Mr. Hongo the boss of Ikenya at Buxton area before daybreak where they as routine sign their roll-call before starting their duties. It was indeed their work vehicle that took us to Tudor before they went to work then eventually coming back to collect the detainnee for breakfast and updating s on the way forward. This is where Ikenya informed me that plans had been made by Mr. Hongo and accomplices at the M.M.C. to secure I a job BUT only after undergoing the forced conditional traditional procedure of 'removing that something-jinn' of which the superstitious Raila was seemingly in dire need-thereof as we approached the March 4th 2013 elections whic were even then being bitterly campaigned for. It made me wonder then that it was certain that the 1st Jomvu witchdoctor of Raila's secret society had not been able to complete that mission/assignment,nor had the medical criminals earlier-on who'd almost paralyzed me to a wheel-chair been successful after they intentionally seemingly mixed-up their concoctions/injections/drugs or given an over-dose of the same or both. The secret society medical nurse criminal had then seemed to carefully listen and register my complaints/observations before promising to make the necessary changes and restore the abnormality .....this after he'd come-up for a routine injection at the residence/home of the family of my siblings on one of the many forced torturing scheduled regular morning injection therapy sessions for reconciliation to traditional customary ancestral belief systems. Hence and thus did I then wonder/imagine that I certainly was being taken to the king of the underworld secret society precise mathematical-astrology,vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism witchdoctor of Raila at his strong-hold home-turf house-hold of Luo- Nyanza Migori. I just couldn't begin to comprehend nor imagine the psychic or magical witchcraft powers this lake Victoria witchdoctor/wizard possessed to call for all this hullabaloo. At the bus stage, Ikenya's wife and Kenya Navy millitary personnel brother came to bid us farewell including a sister-sibling,her son and house help. This is where the Kenya Navy brother bosculated gesturing they were the under ground secret society network movement of O.D.M. responsible for the muggings and break-in robberies directly or indirectly. I wish to add here that Ikenya and Swaleh had confided to me earlier-on that before being recruited to the M.M.C. brigade,they used to be thugs mugging and robbing for survival. Thus you can imagine how the bosculating and gesturing s to the effect that they were the ones calling the shots at Mtongwe Kenya Navy Barracks location by the Kenya Navy brother really irked and shock-stomped on my nerves. Later logistics.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritrual Psychoipath Murderer.

Hi everybody. I seek leave from the out-line of the submission program to update you on the latest happenings which I regard as urgent in view of the "emergency animism drills" that I see are being taken as days go by. Dark clouds are gathering,machetes are being sharpened,guns are being cocked,hand-cuffs are being readied and not least the living fossils of Raila's secret society ODM kingdom are waiting in exhilaration with abetted breath and the air is fully pregnant with expectation. They have been threatening to strike for they have been boiling for a long time now. This is directly attributed to the consequence of continuing to submit my evidence to the above case against Raila the immediate ex-prime minister;laying bare and revealing what they have been spinning behind the scenes in darkness. They are following a CLEAR-cut premeditated,orchestrated,choreographed,organized,coordinated precise mathematical astrology vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism SCRIPT with a wide range of variable options-program. I would like to categorically state that they are hurrying-up what's up their sleeves,what they have reserved in store for me,they are moving notches and pressing ladders cause time is not on their side as the days go by and the submissions become more acrimonious and the case-issues more contentious.First and foremost I would like to say that on the 11th of June 2012, just two days back, I came upon vicious-mendacious-rhetoric animism from/by a secret agent and accomplice who clearly gestured the mugging-symbol in the same manner it had been done by another agent before the deadly Kenya Navy Barracks-Mtongwe muggings. When they noticed the apprehension on my face they realized "I knew that they knew that I'd known [knew]" of what they were planning,convening. Thence did they come-up with the shocker of planning arbitrary arrest and/or imprisonment,torture and most probably death for having completely refused to neither concede nor consent or cooperate to their ancestral ways which are wholly primitive,retrogressive,imposed and lay to be turned into a mummified-relic,cultural-epithet to be traditionally and customarily arranged a marriage thereof.Thirdly there's the accident victim compensation case of which they have been-up in arms against with an evil-eye knowing the redemption and kick-start that would give me in re-establishing my life in terms of prospecting logistics for jobs and/or settling down to start a family life of my own.They have me pinned down to the ground in their home-turf strong-hold house-hold of covert/subvert puppeteers by Raila's secret society O.D.M. kingdom and they just can't wait to execute the final blow,the last hay-stroke that will break the camels back if not kill it. Fourthly,there's the factor of the older/elder brother of the 'father of the family of my siblings,' a former chair of the migori district councilors [of whom they have been at logger-heads till just recently] for two terms called John Odhiambo who is fronting for the recommendation of a job at the up-coming county devolution jobs [of which the parents of the family of my siblings are not in favor-of] following swearing-in of the new government under the new constitutional dispensation stipulating devolution of the state/republic to county-unit governments complete with senators and governors to boot: US style.This is because the shortlisting is done at the county level and thus the relevancy of the constituent stake-holders. There have been even fears from some quarters that every tribe civil servant may have to be sent/recalled/relocated/redeployed back to their respective counties/constituencies of origin which is yet to be confirmed.We are waiting for the job advertisements whereby this time application's digital though going by the consistent pattern so far,unless otherwise, the government of Kenya I'm sure won't en-script me to the public service. Chances are 1 out of 100 they'll take me in. My other option is to go get a free-lance tour guide license from the ministry of tourism and set base in Mombasa while I try to rush-up the submissions of evidence to the closing-arguments summary for the case above and wait for the court proceedings to kick-off. Later,logistics.

Friday, June 07, 2013

THE LAW : Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psychopath Murderer.

Hi everybody.I beg to continue, my Lords and Ladies. The 'mother of the family of my siblings' was waiting at The Mombasa Municipal Courts when we arrived,being the sanctioned covert/subvert under-hand of Raila's secret society membership, and together with the court's magistrate clerks/officers they colluded and decided to get me a pair of trousers/shirts for the forced journey/deportation to ancestral Lake Victoria Luo Nyanza, Raila's home-turf and strong-hold to get that something/jinn removed [as a condition] in exchange for a life-line fixed-income job/mode of subsistence as per their wishful desires. Thus, apparently, I gathered that it would then seem that the initial Mombasa Jomvu shaman had not been successful in removing the alleged jinn and so their witches club was still seeing and sensing that jinn[something]. The journey was set for the following day and Ikenya the municipal cop gleefully again gave me an option of choosing to spend the night at central police station cells,Mombasa subjecting me to plea for the freedom of spending the night somewhere else rather decent,say in his verandah or store if he had either in his premises promising to be a good detainee and behave like a disciplined slave-captive who'd had the privilege to visit the inside of the bewildering Shimo prisons,courtesy of his Raila zeal/sycophancy. That I would behave my bestowed status and wouldn't attempt any escape making it clear I wouldn't like a repeat.I was granted the request/privilege but as a detainee was still humiliated to be walked/frog-matched bare foot all the way from the municipal courts to the open-air market of Mwembe Tayari to at least be purchased some slippers before boarding a matatu to Bamburi Frere Town the Ikenya's premises.He is now promoted after taking taekwondo lessons and extra cop training at Embakasi Administration Police Training College in Nairobi. This he prided to me long after he had traveled back to Mombasa over the cell phone. We arrived at his home close to 1900hours,had a meal,slept the night,took baths and even managed to attend a funeral fundraising in the village neighborhood whereby I had to accompany him lest I rescinded on my loyalty pledge and decided to make good an escape [I gathered that would have jeopardized his daily bread fixed-income job.] Come the D-day we woke-up early at around 0400hours,accompanied by two military fellows going back to work from leave, in the dark of the night before dawn whilst the whole village/location was still dead asleep except for a house or two here and there that had switched their lights on [probably for those going to business/work early]though they were still at pin-drop silence. We walked in files with either of the militants bringing the rear and I always somewhere in-between. For a moment,this scenario revoked memories of past political assassinations whereby the would be unsuspecting or fully consciously aware victims are abducted then announced to have disappeared in the National Broadcasting corporations and all the other media houses before their badly mutilated,tortured or decomposing bodies would be found in some thickets, bushes or forest....there are undoubtedly uncountable hide-outs to discard-off an assassinated/murdered body. It's an operation treated by its assailants like a zealous loyal employee would treat a business deadline target:i.e. to be met with precise mathematical astrology execution. No big deal just another bloody dirty job and after all,backs are covered,palms are oiled and thus nothing to worry about. My heart stopped beating for a while as these thoughts cruised through the contents of my skull. Why would somebody be arbitrarily arrested,remanded in prison then a day after bail as early as 0400hours in the pin-drop silence of the dark of the night,amidst slopes,thickets and bushes be accosted by 2 military personnel and one municipal cop whose brother is also a military personnel serving with the Kenya Navy with UNCLEAR,opaque motives and agendas? Well I chose to put my trust in the good Lord up above and my faith in the arrest and court hearing which had been done in public.Fortunately, everything turned out normal ,we all the 4 of us boarded a matatu and while the 2 military personnel alighted somewhere along the way,we, Ikenya and I proceeded all the way to their Tudor Municipal Training Headquarters where he put me hold with their operations manager while he went to work the morning session for the deportation was scheduled for 1500hours. Later, logistics.

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