Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Monday, May 14, 2012

POLITICS:Reading From Different Scripts: Incompatibility.

As a continuation of the last article regarding it raining cats and dogs leading to consequent cyclic floods that leave havoc upon human life, that of livestock and plants in the wake of the uncountable, untapped bursting of the banks of the different water bodies and their tributaries; a blessing which is being let to go to waste and / or to the dogs, I would like to use this as a demonstration of the erratic reasoning affecting the exploitation and thus abuse of the full capacities of the mental faculties of these our myopic leaders, largely of the African third world countries.But have it as you may, it is not that these high-way robbers we have in the name of leaders are practicing 'man eat man capitalism'  out of being misinformed or lack of exposure for they have both these two factors abundantly at their disposal; but rather because they are intentionally practicing what they are as real time opportunists exploiting the laity of the uninformed, unexposed masses. Only a small fraction of these queer leaders can not be held culpable for they joined elective governance to be rewarded with plum portfolios by their political godfathers to serve the artificial ethnic emotions of  the masses as a whole...- of which they don't warrant or qualify so-to-speak-of in the first place. 
Incompatibility comes in the wake of  interactions / socialization s within the Kenyan society and between the communities there-in as well as between the government and the citizenry. Communications are at cross-roads. Nobody understands or comprehends what the other means or is saying and that is why the electorate is always being successfully  hoodwinked to contract such a rotten caliber of fellows to hold-on to the reigns of government.The sly leaders front the cannibal capitalists with a 'money language' the lay don't understand. The intellectuals are well taken care-of to have any time to bother about misplaced priorities.That is why it would suffice to say be completely intolerable for any persons in their right thinking capacities to consider making such undeveloped habitats their permanent dwelling havens for the reality on the ground does not conjure at all with the u topic images that the United Nations club of  progressive countries is trying to ideologies and / or realize. The third-world is a far-fetched dream from the first-world across the spectrum of all the developed / civilized / democratic indexes factors. If your from abroad you will be excited by the adventures that awaits one as they try to reconnect / re-attach with the form of life as it was on planet earth on the early stages of evolution, but the that is all.When it comes to the social framework ,you will realize as well that it is not only really hard to hold any decent conversation at all { and with a large fraction of the lay populace this is the case }but it is completely impossible to have any discourse at all so to say , for not only do you find yourself at cross-roads, speaking at cross-purposes due to the difference in language and perception brought about by lack of information and exposure affecting in turn the civilization of the populace. I will elaborate later virtual s, logistics.......Africa.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

REJOINDER:Reading From Different Scripts:Kenya Floods.

Yeah my dear virtual beings, like I was saying a while ago , trying to demonstrate the fallacious thought patterns of  the Kenyan political-leader-breed which then goes-on to erroneously not only mislead the the public and the world at large but also their very own conscious and conscience. These turn-coat opportunists have no business running the government in the first place for we have seen from any angle projected that they are only strategically placed to cater for their own pockets and those of their families and immediate friends. Remember the "it's our time to eat" syndrome?
No wonder then any upright thinking civilized cosmopolitan would not wish to seriously consider these parts of the world their permanent dwelling hordes,unless it's just for holidays or for some expatriate work.Why? Because the virgin environment here lacks the necessary infrastructural facilities that would accompany such complex, developed and evolved brain think-tanks. The situation is intolerable. Here it is an implicit-explicit personality-culture oriented society based on static / retrogressive traditional thought-patterns. Later virtual s, logistics.

POLITICS : Reading From Different Scripts: Kenya Floods.

Hi dear blogger s it's good to be on board with you once again. I was caught-up in circumstances trying to figure-out this Ad sense issue; you know we got to strive to not only earn a life but to make ends meet especially when given such a decent opportunity. Though it's yet to work-out, we book lovers are driven first and foremost with the urge to jot down our thoughts on a platform accessible to fellow book lovers like you  loggers.
FLOODS are wrecking havoc in Kenya like ever always.At least it's not news to the people that matter or are affected by these annual floods,although the proportions the flood disaster is taking in Kenya is more or less equivalent to what the Hurricanes do in / to the US. So far so good: around two hundred and fifty thousand ONLY have the floods managed to displace in Kenya and a figure approximating anywhere between sixty five and seventy are now  dead. Schools have been shut down meaning interrupted classes all over the country. Livestock as well as crops have also been destroyed and if you should try to sum-up the loses, the figure definitely runs in to a few tens if not hundreds of millions, Kenya Shillings. 
Now,what is most worrying is the government's leaders' approach to this cyclic natural-disaster which like the wildebeest migration happens annually around the same month, same date and time of the year. No body actually cares whether people are displaced or killed from the floods unless it is more directly related to politics like the post election violence that took to the same proportions. I would like to state categorically that the government has the necessary resources and wherewithal to harness and prevent once and for all this harm that the floods are visiting to the citizenry allover the country.This is especially so given the fact that Kenya being a Rain-Agriculture Economy, it could do a lot with the free rain water coming annually like the wildebeest phenomenon.
The problem lies squarely with the wanting thought patterns of the elected government leaders which construes and guides their approach to life.All and sundry,including the government's Disaster Response Management teams as well as the citizenry usually anticipate and even go ahead to predict these annual phenomenal disaster but they never catch-up or beat the flood waters to its tune.Simply put in other words, I think like I have mentioned before in my other reports, there is a huge clog in the governments think-tank quarters.The leaders there are incompatible with the principles / tenets of leadership. They are indeed wanting in perception and information for any other expatriate would categorically solve the flood issue once and for all amicably both to harness the flood waters as well as to exploit the sames beneficial use to Kenyan citizenry. I 'll continue later due to logistics.    

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Politics: Rejoinder

To continue with the article I was writing above on US-Kenya politics, the point I was trying to drive home is that there is really no "goodwill" so to speak of coming from our crop of leaders. Now whether it is a generational -gap problem or whether the issue has to do with the inherent so-called evil-nature character of the uncouth, unbridled, uncivilized man is up to any logic-reasonable fellow to conclude.
There lies  very huge tracts of virgin-undeveloped land areas in Kenya. A good example is the North-Eastern parts of Kenya specifically Turkana where oil was recently discovered. The director of the drilling-exploring oil firm could not put it more aptly when she correctly referred to that oil-rich area which has now caught the special attention of the country's government as "comparable to the terrain of the moon's surface." Indeed, all I can add to that is that that was just a glimpse in to the state-of-affairs of  the larger fraction of all land of the square area of Kenya.For example in Turkana the would welcome visitors from other parts of Kenya with greetings asking them "How Kenya is doing." What in essence that means is that they are far flung from any infrastructural structures and facilities that would give even the remotest inkling that their territory is part and parcel of Kenya.It is a sad tale that these people marginalized since independence have had nothing in connection with the rest of Kenya; that they have to walk to neighboring country Ethiopia's shopping markets when going to take the month's stock for no other reason than that it is nearer their habitat and would only take a day's journey compared to the three or four day's it would take connecting to the nearest Kenyan shopping markets.That in the outer-most interior parts of this oil-rich Turkana Land,we still have members of the tribe walking around in nothing but sisal strings tied around their waist with some-kind of leafy covering on their reproductive organs.They are that marginalized from civilization.  The same scenario of backwardness is repeated in multiple regions all over the country.
I think, albeit the governments slow reform pace, it finally dawned upon them, the-powers -that-be of the day, either due to formal agitation or shame that they finally took it seriously, picked their tools and hence formed a new ministerial portfolio namely " ministry of metropolitan development.... blah,blah,blah" to look specifically in to the affairs of marginalized-hardship areas and peoples. Nevertheless, it is not a pressing priority for who will take care of the public coffers given that the elected leaders have only a mere five-year term tenure.Worse still going by precedent of following in the footsteps of the old home-guards who were handed self-governance and independence on a silver platter, once elected, these sly highway-robbers-club a.k.a. legislatures make it a rule and a sport to out-do each other on thieving the lay public in broad day light.
Multi-billion   financial dollar scandals are the order of the day fueled by ethnicity and the infamous " It is our time to eat" syndrome.You see, Kenyan politics are divided and guided between, amongst and by the tribal chiefs' power baron-brokers who exploit the laity of the uninformed Kenyan-mass majority.  Later virtual s.

Politics: The US Factor in Con-current Kenyan Politics

Hi virtual people worldwide, today I have the pleasure to comment and share opinions on the democracy from an American point of view if nobody minds. You see, this is quiet natural given that Kenya stands a special mention in regard to U.S.A. politics simple because the democratic leader there has ancestral roots here. The president of The U.S.A. has a deep background connecting him to Kenya and it goes unmentioned but noticed that since he won the presidency of the leading superpower on an agenda / platform of CHANGE he has not set foot in Kenya despite paying numerous courtesy / official calls to Kenya's neighboring countries.
Well, it goes unsaid that it is not within his prerogative to decide which and what countries to visit, and that this is the sole prerogative of his administration. An administration which has stood by the tenets of democracy for well over two-hundred years. So we can safely conclude or presume that they know what they are doing or trying to do. It is a sad tale that Kenya or it's government there-of is not only considered not to meet the threshold of democracy but is seen as well as not even willing to in the first place to meet the democratic criterion.
Nonetheless, Obama on his own personal initiative has taken it upon himself to set the model of successful governance or democracy-practice by putting in place the cornerstone of what is expected to stimulate and spur the out-growth of a city at his  father's birth-place Kogelo.What once resembled the arid undeveloped North-Eastern Kenya is now miles ahead of very many towns within the country that begun the race ages ago. The basics including miles of road to ease the transportation crisis and electricity transmission lines plus other relevant social amenities to kick-start the development of that virgin land.
The glaring problem is that we have no leaders with proper Change / Reformist agenda, they are all there for their own pockets first. It is a situation of "god for us all and everybody else for themselves," i.e. a raw form of "man eat man capitalism."Later elaborations virtual s..........logistics.

Saturday, May 05, 2012


The world really is an amazing place especially when it comes to interactions in the society and even so nowadays in this cosmopolitan era. All peoples of the worlds Nations find themselves side by side in all countries. Love between the different / same sexes continues to raise emotions even amongst non-affiliated parties.Love is hard to come by.
I recently read about the latest technology involving the freezing of embryos, sperms and eggs for future growth and development and I thought........ "my, at long last it seems science has jumped the hurdle of keeping pace with the biological time for spouses who wish to marry and raise kids; for spouses who value the age-old  family traditions." Thus , a married couple can safely decide to post-pone raising kids if thy find it a nuisance in to their married-working life till say after retirement, without qualms...provided there is consent between the couple. Surprisingly for me at thirty-four years of age, I find this a viable option given that life in third world Africa is mere existence surviving at the barest minimum of basics for the large majority. Africa is just waking-up to industrialization with little or no capacity at all to embrace the fruits of civilization. That is why when somebody mentions Africa abroad, the images that conjure-up in anybodies mind is just hunger, starvation, famines ,droughts, senseless wars, disease, corruption to name but a few. I am single, my marriage subjected to better lawful governance which can accommodate a welfare system and / or more employment opportunities.
The same applies to millions others who not only live in squalid sub-human conditions but whose fate was sealed even before they were born ;for Africa to get out of this quagmire it will take not only technocrats but willing leaders of goodwill. Now if you ask me ,this species is very hard to come by here in Africa. Our life-spans have been shortened / curtailed due the the hard bearing economic conditions.Most of the economies are rain-agriculture based.Thus you either be smart and adapt to hit and run relationships or just decide to spread your wild oats far and wide without taking any paternal accredit ion or responsibility. It is even harder when you can not find an informed, civilized and exposed mate due to the shortage in the prerequisite infrastructural facilities responsible for such a populace.Here, the majority are lay,with primitive tendencies in terms of behavior, fit for those who only care about hot-rough sex.Period. You see in such situations, even communication becomes a tall order. Later virtual friends.

Friday, May 04, 2012

My Niche: The African Experience; Kenyan Perspective

Hi fellow blogger s, it has been a long time but now I am back on board to share with you what is happening or not in this remote part of the world. As a matter of principle I would like to welcome you all aboard my forum as I take you through a familiarization tour of my home ground's backyard .The city I dwell-in is called Mombasa, an old island spanning the ages of enlightenment which brings together a cacophony of different peoples from across the world,clashing and getting entangled in cultures which have given rise to what makes-up the top-most layer of the present cosmopolitan island . The island is quite small but it has stories to thrill your blood and make your heart-beat near / come close to a stop.One can tour the whole island reaching its shore ends from all the four directions of the compass within slightly less than forty-five minutes to be precise.Excuse me please ,I will continue later due to logistics.

Hello there everybody. You know what I am still new on boars blogger and thus still learning the ropes of the trade , i.e. managing my blogs as well as the site itself which  more often than not happens to be down.Hey what is hot now in this minuscule town is the undersea rebellion that is slowly taking shape and form in terms of calls for secession. It is a long story that began as an agitation against the perceived marginalization of the coastal people whose main city is this Mombasa. In the beginning, it consisted of something along the lines of cat and mouse games where the aggrieved party and brought businesses to a stop by causing chaos, albeit organized but which by far affected the economic factors / players in the job  markets. Things are now really bad ,the govt. is slowly being brought to its knees at the negotiating table and it is having to acknowledge the grievances of the affected as real and not just opportunistic.The constant on-and-off cat and mouse games have turned into ambushes and counter ambushes; people have been dislocated during its highs and relocated at its lows just like the infamous post election violence of 2007.The indigenous' intellectual's are quoting past pre-colonial agreements which have a heavy bearing on the legal status of the coast's gerrymandered  region.The coastal region is very productive and rich in some rare minerals  not to mention the abundant resources.People want federalism here so that they can have a say and control over the resources being exploited under their noses. Keep in touch later.

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