Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, June 30, 2022

85: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam, Briefs: Search keywords in photos-attachements at { [ 28-06-2022 1540hrs:- The
Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket Uhuru's jealousy evil-eyed gay-witch Peter
Mango yesterday in an open show of primitive strength arrogance and
impunity as regards the PADV Act continuous violations
series-of-crimes conspiracies of OB61/23/08/2021 gathering dust at
Migori Police Station mark-timed my going to fill 1.5l of tap water
after bath btw 1700hrs-1720hrs to appear at the small entrance gate
with the delinquent juvenile crouching homosexual-harasser before it
continued ahead and on my way back up the slope there it was again
bypassing me to move ahead as demonstrated in the attached photos. I'm
supposed to melt into jelly or turn the other cheek emaciatingly
starving and defence-disabled. Urgently need a shave, toothpaste and
brush, super-glue to patch shoes and others in email footnotes.
Photo-evidence review on-going. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2022 11:54:18 +0600
Subject: 87 Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

84: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Gay stalkings [ 27/06/2022 1441hrs: Death Row:- Incurred a debt of
30/- for 6-'mandazis' I took with water till supper I'm surviving-on
famished and hungry. SOS. [ 1114hrs:- Uhuru's Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket
pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and gay-husband (substantiated)
re-start extreme hunger-torture one-meal-ration-every-24hrs-at-supper
starvations with the peristalsis-triggering starchy boiled-tubers I
can't take cause I got an intolerance-on unlike roasted. The same
applies to some sugary drinks like Fanta or Kenya Cane I can't take
too cause of shortening my breath for which I thus since quit taking
table sugar alltogether. Will try to borrow 4-'mandazis' at 20/- at
the water kiosk while flashing well-wishers for soft loans or spare
cash for bites as Uhuru's GoK sits pretty still on my 10yrs 10m+
damages. Urgently need a shave, toothpaste and brush, super-glue to
patch shoes and others in email footnotes. Photo-evidence review
on-going. SOS. [

Monday, June 27, 2022

83: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam, [ 26-06-2022 1853hrs:- Had to spend last 20/- bob
on beans and tea at 10/- each with pawn-witches' half-a-loaf take-away
(he'd taken first servings with tea obviously re-gurgled) cause
water-kiosk was closed (couldn't have washed rags) since Saturday up
to now Sunday of which jealousy nincompoop AP cop Owino and his wife
on behalf and in cahoots with the quickie-prostitute and gay-husband
(substantiated) of the "Adwaro ng'ony" insult restarted the
homosexual-harassment with their feral farmhand Victor who mark-timed
me right from their gate (around 1810hrs) in step all the way to my
filling the tap water to pretend business with the shopkeeper forcing
me to have to shift positions to evade their sexual-assault intentions
as GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru cops sit-pretty on my PADV Act
OB61/23/08/2021. Urgently need a shave, toothpaste and brush,
super-glue to patch shoes and others in email footnotes.
Photo-evidence review on-going. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2022 12:52:04 +0600
Subject: 85 Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Saturday, June 25, 2022

82: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

24-06-2022 1805hrs:- [ Food-poker hunger-tortures escalate; witches
time my filling tap-water after bath; lock main-hse; gay-husband opens
back door in 15min of out-studies; says they're eating; forfeited
their ram feast for ugali 10/-avocado. SOS. [ 1125hrs: Death Row:- The
end justifies the means and so Uhuru's Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket
pawn-witches continue hunger-tortures feasting in the outside kitchen
on the slaughtered ram for the 2nd day running before gay-witch
carries left-over ugali and strong-tea to the table despite having
there been no ugali left at yesternight's supper, and in attempts to
wonna induct me into feeding on their left-overs like in their filthy
re-gurglings when they don't want you to eat; for sex-pervert,
murder-conspiracy criminals I've disowned. Forced to spend 30/- last
coins on 6-'mandazis' I'll take with an avocado. Need a shave,
toothpaste and brush plus supper-glue to patch shoes, and others in
email footnotes. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2022 15:08:07 +0600
Subject: 81 Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Thursday, June 23, 2022

81: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam, Briefs:- [ 23-06-2022 1057hrs:- Checkout the
primitive-gluttonness of the pawn-witches who cause they slaughtered a
ram the quickie-prostitute (substantiated) cooks, feasts and leaves
letting the kitchen to the gay-husband to filthy the stew exploiting
my fears of his disgusting re-gurglings forcing me to only take the
ugali with an avocado I'd reserved as he feasts. It's recorded in blog
and C.S.G.s-letters how they never share meat they've slaughtered
unless the sheep was sickly and dying in which case I never touch that
meat. The end justifies the means and thus hunger-tortures continue.
SOS. [ 22/06/2022 1048hrs:-Uhuru's GoK sabotaging my 10yrs 10m+
damages continue hunger-tortures with jealousy pawn-witches taking
their first-serving targeting I deplete whatever meagre cash
well-wishers spared me for which I'll go spend 30/- on 'mandazis' till
supper. Need a shave, toothpaste, toothbrush and supper glue to
patch-up shoes. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2022 15:44:38 +0600
Subject: 80 Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Monday, June 20, 2022

80: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam, Briefs:- [ 19-06-2022 2120hrs: Funeral Death
Rehearsals:- Uhuru-Raila Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Bori/GLBTQ-Occultists
Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and
gay-husband (substantiated) are burying me alive in broad daylight
since I can't partake of the peristalsis-triggering maize-beans I've
an intolerance-on having eaten only 4-'mandazis' and water since morn.
meaning the next 3-4 days it's aggravated-starvation of no any
meal-ration at all 'cept water. The jealousy killing the evil-eyed
psychic vampires is that since I quit completely taking the
peristalsis-triggering starchy diet the rest of the foods stuff stays
in my tummy at ease uninterruptedly for a week+ before I go for a long
call and it's a growing tummy they can't stomach. They changed their
minds the last minute and cooked to add ugali and a pinch of the slimy
greens 'apoth' aka 'mrenda' which saved tonight as Uhuru-Raila GoK sit
on my 10m+ damages. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 16:56:52 +0600
Subject: 7. Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Sunday, June 19, 2022

79: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

19-06-2022 Witches back with peristalsis-triggering maize-beans thus
only took 4-mandazis optionSOS [ 18-06-2022 1112hrs:- The end
justifies the means and so the pawn-witches reverted to doughless
'mandazis' which though six is like eating the peels of a fruit
without the fleshy part thus the hunger-tortures continue. Meanwhile
the quickie-prostitute (substantiated) re-started mark-timing me at
the main-hse door where her gay-husband recently did homosexually
harassing me saying, "Adwaro ng'ony," i.e. "I want virgina." SOS. [
17-06-2022 2120hrs:- Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru's pawn-witches
continue the hunger-tortures with the quickie-prostitute
(substantiated) cooking a meal-ration enough for one her gay-husband
which after he scoops 3-quarters you go to bed half-hungry. TV News
shut starting today. Water-kiosk debt stands at 50/- while I still
need a shave, toothpaste, tooth-brush and super-glue to patch shoes.
Photos-evidence review on-going. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 15:07:01 +0600
Subject: 5 Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Friday, June 17, 2022

78: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

17-06-2022 hrs:- Half-slept half-hungry yesternight as gay-witch takes
3-quarters of all rations and morn. largest 6-mandazis leaving tiny 6
equaling 3. SOS [ 16-06-2022 1104hrs:- Brunch finally of unsustaining
4-'mandazis' and water till supper. SOS. [ 1037hrs:- Hunger-tortures
persist as Uhuru's pawn-witches have already taken their first serving
by 0940hrs while I starve guessing. SOS. [ 15-06-2022 2144hrs:- Need a
shave, toothpaste and super-glue to patch shoes. Topped kiosk debt to
50/- bob max. after adding 4-'mandazis' at 20/- to ease the enforced
2-meal-ration-a-day under-nutrition abnormal-std alternating with
extreme-one-meal-rations-every-24hrs targeted to exploit a constantly
energy-emaciated, famished, defenceless fellow for Uhuru-Raila
Lamu/Bondo-Usenge, Bori/GLBTQ-Occultists' sanctioned
homosexual-harassments transgender strategies; akin to the convicted
serial-homosexual-rapist and sodomizer ex-Zimbabwe President Canaan
Banana. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 16:36:25 +0600
Subject: 4: Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

77: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

15-06-2022 Need a shave, toothpaste and shoes super-glue SOS[
12-06-2022 1206hrs:- Gay-witch finally tabled half-a-loaf I took with
a quarter of an avocado (spoilt) and water leaving him the beans for
re-gurgling fears. SOS. [ The end justifies the means and Uhuru's
pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and gay-husband (substantiated)
eat and leave for town probably restarting the extreme
one-meal-ration-every-24hrs-at-supper hunger-torture starvations even
as I recover from the last most recent cyclic-ritual episode series.
Today's instance's geared to coincide with my rags-washing which of
late I'd reduced to a pair after wearing another for a whole week
cause of the ursurped, emaciated energies / life-force accumulatively.
Uhuru's-Raila's death-cult want me dead / ceased. Am I now gonna be
forced to put-on a pair-of-rags for more than a week at a time? Got a
30/- bob debt at the water-kiosk. Photos-attachment review going-on.
Flashing hourly. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2022 15:39:30 +0600
Subject: Fwd: 3:Photos evidence review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Sunday, June 12, 2022

76: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

12-06 Extreme hunger-tortures restart [ 11-06-2022 2138hrs:-
Hunger-tortures still persist whereby it's one-man's ration which
after he takes 3-quarters ensures you remain starving. SOS. [
09-06-2022 1416hrs:- Brunch finally at 1345hrs. SOS. [ 1314hrs:-
Haven't eaten nothing yet since morn. as belly-full quickie-prostitute
and gay-husband (substantiated) belch loudly for my ears dragging
their feet as if I'd asked to come to their abode. SOS. [ 1100hrs:-
Quickie-prostitute-witch (substantiated) is back and with the
gay-husband continue the hunger-tortures as they take their first
servings while I gotta guess. Flashing hourly. SOS. [ 08-06-2022
2144hrs:- Supper ration resumes as one of the many pawn-witches'
house-helps substitutes the gay-witch in the kitchen. SOS. [ 1803hrs:-
Death Row: Water's back and I got a debt of 30/- bob for 3-'mandazis'
each at 10/-. Tonight's supper's guess-work as I haven't been lucky
with the hourly flashings yet. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 18:05:55 +0600
Subject: Bori-GLBTQ Photos-Evidence Review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

75: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir/Madam, Death Row Briefs: 08-06-2022 1214hrs:- Reeling
from the ongoing hunger-torture yet it's now that the gay-witch's
divided half-a-loaf leaving me 2-slices forcing me to go try borrowing
'mandazis' at the water-kiosk while drinking water's uncertain. SOS. [
07-06-2022 2200hrs:- Dehydration and starvation set-in on fourth day
of quickie-prostitute's (substantiated) ritual disappearence-act as
witches'-nest manipulate Nyasare Water Supply which's failed to fill
the water-kiosk's tank for the 2nd day running; for which 'twas also
another half-hungry night sleep in the rain and cold for the bitter,
inedible, unripe avocado I couldn't finish, plus ugali; as the
evil-eyed gay-husband continued feasting on chicken from breakfast to
supper. If I don't get spare cash tomorrow, extreme
one-meal-ration-every-24hrs-at-breakfast hunger-torture starvation
amid the heightening dehydration starts. WILL's in email signatures.
Flashing hourly. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 18:05:55 +0600
Subject: Bori-GLBTQ Photos-Evidence Review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {
{ {

74(a.): Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

07-06-2022 1727hrs:- Death Row: Double tragedy as Nyasare Water Supply
fails to fill-in water-kiosk tank for 2nd day running amid the
hunger-tortures. SOS. [ 2205hrs:- Fourth day of disappearence-act and
I slept half-hungry on ugali and a 10/- bob unripe avocado of which
only two remain before I begin guessing supper. Meanwhile the
gay-husband (substantiated) was devouring chicken which can last him
2-3 days. He's begun as of yesterday of buying packeted-milk but of a
bottled-neck top which he can interfere-with; ( rd. The end justifies
the means ). Flashing hourly. SOS. [ 04-06-2022 2131hrs:- Second day
of disappearence-act as gay-huband (substantiated) takes over the
kitchen and today starts the half-a-loaf for both brunch and supper
hunger-tortures as he definately stuffs himself in the kitchen; I took
mine with a 10/- bob avocado and water. Remainning with 30/- bob and a
reserved 10/- bob avocado. Rags washing's an effort. Flashing hourly.
SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2022 04:10:52 +0600
Subject: Bori /GLBTQ Photos-Evidence Review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {

Tuesday, June 07, 2022

74: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

Dear Sir / Madam, Updates on the deterioriating scenario
regarding endless hunger-tortures and homosexual-harassments. SOS. [
06-06-2022 2205hrs:- Death Row. Fourth day of disappearence-act and I
slept half-hungry on ugali and a 10/- bob unripe avocado of which only
two remain before I begin guessing supper. Meanwhile the gay-husband
(substantiated) was devouring chicken which can last him 2-3 days.
He's begun as of yesterday of buying packeted-milk but of a
bottled-neck top which can be interfere-with; ( rd. The end justifies
the means ). Flashing hourly. SOS. [ 04-06-2022 2131hrs:- Second day
of disappearence-act as gay-huband (substantiated) takes over the
kitchen and today starts the half-a-loaf for both brunch and supper
hunger-tortures as he definately stuffs himself in the kitchen; I took
mine with a 10/- bob avocado and water. Remainning with 30/- bob and a
reserved 10/- bob avocado. Rags washing's an effort. Flashing hourly.
SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 16:56:41 +0600
Subject: Bori/GLBTQ Photos-Evidence Review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {

Saturday, June 04, 2022

73: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

02-06-2022 2217hrs:- [ Death Row: Uhuru's pawn-witches the
quickie-prostitute (substantiated) conveniently travels and
gay-husband uncustomarily, unlike e.g. the Maragoli takes over the
kitchen which he exploits for my fears of his filthy re-gurglings
unless they're whole foods including ugali and, like the last most
recent convenient 'disappearing acts' (find rltd links from 11th
July-5th August 2021), uninterfered-with packets-of-milk... I can't
take for the disgusting filthiness. Thus today I took ugali and 10/-
bob avocado as he took it with scrambled eggs for which I remain with
like 5 or 3 supper avocados subject to if they'll be selling for 10/-,
15/- or 20/- each. SOS. [ { { { }...
till 5th August 2021 ; and plus {

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 18:20:59 +0600
Subject: 70 snaps: GLBTQ-Occultists review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {

Thursday, June 02, 2022

72: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

02-06-2022 1355hrs Brunch finally 1320hrs [ 1257hrs:-Another
ritual-cycle of extreme hunger-tortures
one-meal-ration-every-24hrs-at-supper starvation starts. Bathing
postponed till then to save the emaciating energies. SOS. [
1018hrs:-Uhuru-Raila hunger-tortures resume as pawn-witches eat and
leave for town while I gotta guess whether it'll be till supper or
what. Flashing hourly. SOS. [ 01-06-2022 1002hrs:- The "Adwaro
ng'ony," i.e. "I want virgina!" gay-witch's insult reflects their
Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist sadists Raila-Uhuru transgender
sanctions as recorded in my blog and civil-society letters that the
quickie-prostitute-witch (substantiated) had once retorted,
"Kumanina," as well as remarked, "Tunajenga Nakumatt," with regards to
the above including hunger-tortures and homosexual harassments.
Otherwise, dying of hunger as gay-witch continues taking 3-quarters of
all meal rations. Rugs washing's an effort. Flashings hourly. SOS. [

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 18:20:59 +0600
Subject: 70 snaps: GLBTQ-Occultists review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {

71: Prayers for Humanitarian Visa, Asylum Protection, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape of conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems of committment and sanctioned death; and prayers as well for soft loans to draft, type-set, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above heading is meant for foreign embassies and concerned civil society groups / authorities so the govt. of Kenya and its agencies will have to excuse it in this email circular. It's not meant for them!); Had a gloomy Christmas / end-of-year 2021 festivities in rags, tatters and routine customary hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy exploiting-starvations as Uhuru's 'Zombie-Child Physique' making-of-archetypes prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed peniless-pauperism renders me largely indoors for want of stipends. SOS.

01-06-2022 [ 0845hrs:-Even that brunch-supper one-meal-ration every
24hrs wasn't willed cause as I went to pee around 1845hrs on coming
back the jealousy gay-witch was standing astride their main-house door
facing the kitchen and blocking my entrance where the door has to
brush him on opening upon which he retorts insultingly, "Adwaro
ng'ony," i.e. "I want virgina!" SOS. [ 31-05-2022 2039hrs:-
Brunch-supper was finally tabled at 1925hrs. SOS. [ 1721hrs:-Another
ritual-cycle of extreme hunger-torture one-meal-ration-at-supper
restarted by Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Bori/GLBTQ-Occultists Raila and Uhuru
by proxy of their pawn-witches the quickie-prostitute and gay-husband
(substantiated). Supper ration will probably be past 2100hrs to
prolong the torture. Bathing postponed till after supper to save the
meagre energies. Flashing hourly. SOS. [
{ Blog / photos repairs

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jun 2022 18:20:59 +0600
Subject: 70 snaps: GLBTQ-Occultists review

As Uhuru's GoK compromises my latest 7-8 page statement charges of
OB61/23/08/2021 { } on SOA No. 3 of 2006 and
PADVA of 2015, even as they brood-sit pretty on my now 9yrs 11-months
10m+ damages {
}, imposing a pauperism-bachelorhood on me at 44yrs compromising my
dating and marriage, I routinely need bare-minimums to meet
hygiene-and-decency basics including now: a bic-razor, a belt, and a
wardrobe. Ain't living or working in narcissistic-Godzilla-Raila's
Luo-Nyanza. SOS. #FreedBritney #turpinfamily {
{ { { {

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354. Jealous, Married-But-Gay, "Penis Envy" (Rd. Sexology), Hausa-Bori / Lamu-Bondo-Usenge, Brokeside-Dairy-Jacket Uhuru, His Evil-Eyed Public-Toilet Loo-Bat Judy Macharia and Their Msa-JK Firearm TZ Witchdoctor Omar Assailants' Homosexual-Harassment Impunity; Estranged-Witches' Scavenger Tendencies Worthless Money In Rooftop Rain v. Piped Water and Widow-Spider Witch's Health-Hazard Filthy Dishes Amid Food-Sorcery / Poisoning Exploitation With Mostta The Eateries and Political-Legal-Pauperism-Abuse With Migori Police Station / ODPP Halted-Stalled Recorded OB Cases Inc. OB61/23/08/2021 and My Broad Lawsuit As A Whole Pending Resolve To Privately Prosecute and My Liberation "Constitutional-Merit and Statute-Administrative-Law" Civil Appeal Against The CAJ, ACC/OAG, Peninnah Ngondi Wawira Prosecution-Counsel/ODPP and Thief-President Ruto: Prayers for Political Asylum / Refuge, Humanitarian Visa, Self-Determination and Rule-of-Law from Ruto, Uhuru, Raila, co-conspirators and their Jinn-Theocracy GoK Sanctioned political-legal abuse, delayed-denied justice, outlawing, endless-persecution, rape-of-conscience, gaslighting, mandatory-systems-of-commitment and death. Prayers too for soft loans to draft, typeset, e-file and litigate my broad lawsuit. (NB: The above is solely meant for asylum-visa embassies and concerned civil-society-groups / authorities; the defendant dictator-state GoK and its agencies aren't party). Having gloomy Christmases / New Years in rags in continuous cyclic-ritual hunger-torture, stomach-constricting, muscular-dystrophy predisposing "Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency" starchy-sucrose diets' exploiting-starvations as witches' "Zombie/Child-Physique making-of-archetypes" prehistoric-descendant-culture Death-Cult's imposed penniless-pauperism wanes my virility in captivity unable to date-or-marry at 47yrs. SOS

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