---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:25:32 +0600
Subject: Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger
replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food
kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by
quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case'
for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council
Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies
in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie
Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted
Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith
in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : More documentary evidence submissions on the developing slideshow
at [ https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. My prayers are a
speedy recourse for the processing of my now 8yrs Kihara Construction
punitive & actual damages threatened with embezzlement adding to
backlog statistics with the 'Advocates Complaints Commission' in the
Office of the AG. Regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 18:15:13 +0600
Subject: Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger
replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food
kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by
quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case'
for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council
Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies
in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie
Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted
Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith
in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
claiming she was selling TZ counterfaits. The narrative ran like they
came in an unmarked car, parked by & calling her 'Mama Linda' asked
whether she'd cigarettes and on proceeding to hand them some from a
pack after answering in the affirmative, they instead told her to
bring out the whole box which after mixing with their own exhibits
claimed it were TZ counterfait despite her producing the BANSI
WHOLESALERS receipt and even going with them to BANSI WHOLESALERS to
confirm the transactions. They later demanded a 5000/- penalty which
definately they must've pocketed. 'Mama Linda' cries 'foul play'
saying they must've been sent coming directly specifically for her
despite another shop selling cigarettes 100m away across the road.
She'd no means or economic stamina to pursue due course of the law
given the time-consumming bureaucracies & legal maze and so jus'
sacrificed the 'fraudulent fee'. Could concerned authorities intervene
for justice? Thank you in advance. Yours Faithfully,
Erick Mango.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 17:53:30 +0600
Subject: Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger
replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food
kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by
quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case'
for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council
Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies
in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie
Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted
Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith
in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
gay dodo pimp on his part paternally speaking got a brother [ Joseph
Aruwa ] they witchcraftly turned sterile & who to date never sired any
progeny and is instead a cultural-epithete / stooge they reserve to
marry-off in periodic cycles to inherit widows and adopt their kids to
fill the 'family-gap' he never had! And they usually desert him at the
end of the day guess cause of bedroom stuff! Must be on his 6th or so
widow! God curse the witches! Thus today as I charged my phone at a
neighborhood MPESA shop in the morn. at 0900hrs & had to leave shortly
for a puff to allow the attendant dust-sweep the premise's verandah
from where I sat watching TV [ besides the fact that I usually waitby
wherever lest my pro-Uhuru & co. dectractor-antagonists technically
interfere with my device ], the 'Mama Linda' grocery shop I went to
told me she don't sell cigarettes no more since some scrupulous Migori
Municipal Council Officers confiscated the last box stock she'd
legally purchased from BANSI WHOLESALERS in town PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 17:27:38 +0600
Subject: Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger
replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food
kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by
quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case'
for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council
Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies
in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie
Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted
Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith
in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
indecent exposure, quickie-prostitute-witch matriarch [ substantiated
technical descriptive terms ] laced kerosene on left-over rice she
included in the breakfast in 2 lamps which I noticed her 'married but
gay' dodo pimp never touched & which on tasting twice for certainities
realized reeked of kerosene following which I spat-out the 'pinch'
mouth-fulls pushing away the other remnants. It's an extension of
their 'Bori / GLBT & Lamu / Bondo-Usenge 'mixed orientation marriage'
Identity-Transgender' strategies reeling back to when the 'evil
eyed'-witch caused me 'penile-fracture as a toddler for which as
recorded my phallus curves slightly to the left whether
'hanging-on-a-free-fall' or standing erect & for which as submitted I
gotta use medical-marijuana to achieve full-throttle coitus
penetrations without need to seek 'viagra' [ rd : a spliff a day keeps
the doctor away ]; legalize! The quickie witch's recorded to have
attempted this spermatogenesis arrested-development like on 2
different occassions! The PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 17:03:33 +0600
Subject: Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger
replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food
kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by
quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case'
for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council
Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies
in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie
Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted
Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith
in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and
eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Thanks heavens and precedent
evidence submissions with civil society groups on the status-quo I'm
still breathing. I got some cash to last a few days for phone
chargings by the neighborhood shops provided I minimize bundle usage
to stuff like jus' reading & writing and avoid uploads / downloads,
calls plus other online web tools for images, docs plus audio or video
files. I'm working around the clock to persuade friends & well-wishers
largely compromised by ICC-Indicted Illegitimate President Uhuru
virtue of fixed-income employments or vested biz-interests to lend me
s'thing small for a 240v charger ; the rug-tatters / wardrobe, shoes &
slippers can wait though I need a shave, bicrazor, exercise books and
data bundles bad. At the on-set of the eclipse the 18th of June 2020 [
] & [ https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2020/06/hello-death-looms-icc-indicted-uhuru.html
], the self-bleaching, PTO
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Seven earth-like exo-planets in terms of size, density and solar-radiation orbiting their dwarf-star (sun) in TRAPPIST-1 Solar System 40 light-years away whereby three hang in the 'habitable zone' {in relative proportional-dimensions to earth from its sun} indicating they can support 'liquid'-water on the surface making them potential destinations for technogeneticultural anatomically-modern postranshominization civilizations to colonize for habitation should a catastrophe threaten us.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;
Friday, June 26, 2020
Exist-living on borrowed time as search for charger replacement / www-internet-socialmedia conection continues ; Food kerosene-lacing spermatogenesis-arrested-development attempt by quickie-witch matriarch while eclipse was-on ; A 'counterfait case' for KRA-Investigators concerning corrupt Migori Municipal Council Officers fleecing toiling tax-overburdened 'Mama mbogas'. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction now 8yrs 50% interest repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Hello? DEATH LOOMS. ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo-bat and extended Jewish-kith by proxy of their 'paid pawns' dysfunctional Turpins win 'Abrahamic Religions' 'human sacrifice ceremomy' Neterism / Kemetism battle as phone shifts to blank charge in my last connection withe civil society / www since compromised friends keep mum. From ma video clips you can find me in Migori. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.

Hello? Anybody home? DEATH BECKONS. Apparently, it seems my mobile now jumped to 1-third battery-full won't see through Thursday and today may be my last connection withe civil society / www though a few friends promised to lend me s'thing small I wonder if they'll make it in time before ICC-Indicted Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK eclipses me for extremes leading to death. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:18:26 +0100
Subject: Hello? Anybody home? DEATH BECKONS. Apparently, it seems my
mobile now jumped to 1-third battery-full won't see through Thursday
and today may be my last connection withe civil society / www though a
few friends promised to lend me s'thing small I wonder if they'll make
it in time before ICC-Indicted Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK eclipses me
for extremes leading to death. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting /
Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of
Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist
Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist
Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet,
dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction
7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare
cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links.
SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Got out of bed around 0840hrs [ I usually sleep late btw 0130hrs &
0200hrs getting on writing code softwares for wide ranging apps and
jus' developing my web ; & thus normally rise by 0800hrs ] since 'twas
an effort having to sum-up the indefatigable energies as I pondered
how people who die of hunger literally, usually actually die. My phone
was 2-thirds battery full since last night when I switched it off to
save some mileage ; after a few handlings today this morn. it's
already jumped to 1-third battery-full! By the time I went to the
main-house I found the gay dodo pimp nightrunner witch had already had
his first serving of breakfast for which a 2nd serving of
animistic-'uji' has already been put on the table ; all the while as
I've been breathing heavy throughout the night outta
emaciated-energies exhaustion which's degraded my physiology
thresholds to collapse my physique overally. Illuminati Freemasons
Uhuru's 'paid pawns' the gay dodo pimp & his quickie-prostitute-wife [
substantiated ] r killing me.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 07:44:45 +0100
Subject: DRAFwd: Hello? Anybody home? : DEATH BECKONS. Apparently, it
seems my mobile now 2-thirds battery-full won't see through Thursday
and today may be my last connection withe civil society / www though a
few friends promised to lend me s'thing small I wonder if they'll make
it in time before ICC-Indicted Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK eclipses me
for extremes leading to death. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting /
Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of
Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist
Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist
Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet,
dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction
7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare
cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links.
SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:49:37 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : The developing slideshow regarding ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political
legal abuse concerning my 8yrs Kihara Construction damages and other
pending cases is exhibited at [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. My WILL in case of
death & Vows is constant to the bitter end as submitted in precedent
blogs. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:42:29 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, The Illuminati Freemasons psychic
cannibal witch vampires led by ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo bat, their
extended Jewish-kith & co. continue the extreme 1 super-meal ration a
day with only 3 cups of strong tea in the morn. by proxy of their
'paid pawns' the dysfunctional Turpins who're again exploiting my
allergy to peristalsis-triggering 'maize and beans / nyoyo' unlike
'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi'. The same applies to
tubers. The dire straits low iq trousered apes feral savages are
killing me with the cyclic ritual hunger tortures / under & malnutrion
drainning my energies to the core. Can't wash my rugs & bathing's
postponed till after super. Managed to borrow 50/- from a welder for
which I used 10/- for charging at a roadside shop, 20/- for sms
bundles to network friends [ largely compromised ], 10/- for a puff &
I've got the last remainning 10/- bob for charging btw such extreme
torture persecutions or eventual death and the www. TYIA. Y F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:22:58 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:28:33 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKON : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of only strong tea in the afternoon and
probably supper exploiting the physiology that I'm allergic to
peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and beans' unlike 'thrashed
maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The same applies to 'boiled tubers'
unlike 'roasted'. Phone on blank charge 'bout to go-off. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Briefly, before my phone goes off,
the title summarises everything and I don't know when I'll next eat or
if my charger will work again. [
]. Bathing postponed till after super. Pls aid get my damages. Thank
you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:18:26 +0100
Subject: Hello? Anybody home? DEATH BECKONS. Apparently, it seems my
mobile now jumped to 1-third battery-full won't see through Thursday
and today may be my last connection withe civil society / www though a
few friends promised to lend me s'thing small I wonder if they'll make
it in time before ICC-Indicted Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK eclipses me
for extremes leading to death. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting /
Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of
Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist
Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist
Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet,
dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction
7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare
cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links.
SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Got out of bed around 0840hrs [ I usually sleep late btw 0130hrs &
0200hrs getting on writing code softwares for wide ranging apps and
jus' developing my web ; & thus normally rise by 0800hrs ] since 'twas
an effort having to sum-up the indefatigable energies as I pondered
how people who die of hunger literally, usually actually die. My phone
was 2-thirds battery full since last night when I switched it off to
save some mileage ; after a few handlings today this morn. it's
already jumped to 1-third battery-full! By the time I went to the
main-house I found the gay dodo pimp nightrunner witch had already had
his first serving of breakfast for which a 2nd serving of
animistic-'uji' has already been put on the table ; all the while as
I've been breathing heavy throughout the night outta
emaciated-energies exhaustion which's degraded my physiology
thresholds to collapse my physique overally. Illuminati Freemasons
Uhuru's 'paid pawns' the gay dodo pimp & his quickie-prostitute-wife [
substantiated ] r killing me.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 07:44:45 +0100
Subject: DRAFwd: Hello? Anybody home? : DEATH BECKONS. Apparently, it
seems my mobile now 2-thirds battery-full won't see through Thursday
and today may be my last connection withe civil society / www though a
few friends promised to lend me s'thing small I wonder if they'll make
it in time before ICC-Indicted Uhuru's Jinn-Theocracy GoK eclipses me
for extremes leading to death. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting /
Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of
Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist
Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist
Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his
'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet,
dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction
7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare
cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links.
SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:49:37 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : The developing slideshow regarding ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political
legal abuse concerning my 8yrs Kihara Construction damages and other
pending cases is exhibited at [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. My WILL in case of
death & Vows is constant to the bitter end as submitted in precedent
blogs. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:42:29 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, The Illuminati Freemasons psychic
cannibal witch vampires led by ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo bat, their
extended Jewish-kith & co. continue the extreme 1 super-meal ration a
day with only 3 cups of strong tea in the morn. by proxy of their
'paid pawns' the dysfunctional Turpins who're again exploiting my
allergy to peristalsis-triggering 'maize and beans / nyoyo' unlike
'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi'. The same applies to
tubers. The dire straits low iq trousered apes feral savages are
killing me with the cyclic ritual hunger tortures / under & malnutrion
drainning my energies to the core. Can't wash my rugs & bathing's
postponed till after super. Managed to borrow 50/- from a welder for
which I used 10/- for charging at a roadside shop, 20/- for sms
bundles to network friends [ largely compromised ], 10/- for a puff &
I've got the last remainning 10/- bob for charging btw such extreme
torture persecutions or eventual death and the www. TYIA. Y F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:22:58 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:28:33 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKON : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of only strong tea in the afternoon and
probably supper exploiting the physiology that I'm allergic to
peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and beans' unlike 'thrashed
maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The same applies to 'boiled tubers'
unlike 'roasted'. Phone on blank charge 'bout to go-off. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Briefly, before my phone goes off,
the title summarises everything and I don't know when I'll next eat or
if my charger will work again. [
]. Bathing postponed till after super. Pls aid get my damages. Thank
you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:49:37 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : The developing slideshow regarding ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political
legal abuse concerning my 8yrs Kihara Construction damages and other
pending cases is exhibited at [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. My WILL in case of
death & Vows is constant to the bitter end as submitted in precedent
blogs. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:42:29 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, The Illuminati Freemasons psychic
cannibal witch vampires led by ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo bat, their
extended Jewish-kith & co. continue the extreme 1 super-meal ration a
day with only 3 cups of strong tea in the morn. by proxy of their
'paid pawns' the dysfunctional Turpins who're again exploiting my
allergy to peristalsis-triggering 'maize and beans / nyoyo' unlike
'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi'. The same applies to
tubers. The dire straits low iq trousered apes feral savages are
killing me with the cyclic ritual hunger tortures / under & malnutrion
drainning my energies to the core. Can't wash my rugs & bathing's
postponed till after super. Managed to borrow 50/- from a welder for
which I used 10/- for charging at a roadside shop, 20/- for sms
bundles to network friends [ largely compromised ], 10/- for a puff &
I've got the last remainning 10/- bob for charging btw such extreme
torture persecutions or eventual death and the www. TYIA. Y F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:22:58 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:28:33 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKON : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of only strong tea in the afternoon and
probably supper exploiting the physiology that I'm allergic to
peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and beans' unlike 'thrashed
maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The same applies to 'boiled tubers'
unlike 'roasted'. Phone on blank charge 'bout to go-off. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Briefly, before my phone goes off,
the title summarises everything and I don't know when I'll next eat or
if my charger will work again. [
]. Bathing postponed till after super. Pls aid get my damages. Thank
you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:49:37 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : The developing slideshow regarding ICC-Indicted Uhuru's political
legal abuse concerning my 8yrs Kihara Construction damages and other
pending cases is exhibited at [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. My WILL in case of
death & Vows is constant to the bitter end as submitted in precedent
blogs. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:42:29 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, The Illuminati Freemasons psychic
cannibal witch vampires led by ICC-Indicted Uhuru, his loo bat, their
extended Jewish-kith & co. continue the extreme 1 super-meal ration a
day with only 3 cups of strong tea in the morn. by proxy of their
'paid pawns' the dysfunctional Turpins who're again exploiting my
allergy to peristalsis-triggering 'maize and beans / nyoyo' unlike
'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi'. The same applies to
tubers. The dire straits low iq trousered apes feral savages are
killing me with the cyclic ritual hunger tortures / under & malnutrion
drainning my energies to the core. Can't wash my rugs & bathing's
postponed till after super. Managed to borrow 50/- from a welder for
which I used 10/- for charging at a roadside shop, 20/- for sms
bundles to network friends [ largely compromised ], 10/- for a puff &
I've got the last remainning 10/- bob for charging btw such extreme
torture persecutions or eventual death and the www. TYIA. Y F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2020 13:22:58 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKONS : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of 3 cups of strong tea exploiting the
physiology I'm allergic to peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and
beans' unlike 'thrashed or roasted maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The
same applies to 'boiled tubers' unlike 'roasted'. Last 10/- for
charging before total hell breaks loose. SOS. :- Mud-slingings
'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The
Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents:
Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori /
GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in
cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic,
sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's
Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce
soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are
provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 18:28:33 +0600
Subject: DEATH BECKON : ICC-Indicted Uhuru's 'paid pawns' initiate
extreme hunger tortures of only strong tea in the afternoon and
probably supper exploiting the physiology that I'm allergic to
peristalsis-triggering 'nyoyo / maize and beans' unlike 'thrashed
maize and beans / mdhokoi' ; The same applies to 'boiled tubers'
unlike 'roasted'. Phone on blank charge 'bout to go-off. SOS. :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Briefly, before my phone goes off,
the title summarises everything and I don't know when I'll next eat or
if my charger will work again. [
]. Bathing postponed till after super. Pls aid get my damages. Thank
you in advance. Yours Faithfully, Erick Mango.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.

Sunday, June 14, 2020
Charger breakdowns vulnerabilities ; Wordpress.com slideshow developments ; Prayers for migration / refuge and Kihara Construction 8yrs damages v. constant WILL and Vows ; Dehumanization peak on the verge of almost walking naked / barefoot with only 2-jerseys, an oversewn worn-out shirt, 2-jeans and a coudroy trouser rugs-and-tatters remainning :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 15:16:20 +0600
Subject: Charger breakdowns vulnerabilities ; Wordpress.com slideshow
developments ; Prayers for migration / refuge and Kihara Construction
8yrs damages v. constant WILL and Vows ; Dehumanization peak on the
verge of almost walking naked / barefoot with only 2-jerseys, an
oversewn worn-out shirt, 2-jeans and a coudroy trouser
rugs-and-tatters remainning :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing /
Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid
Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist
Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat
and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy
Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid
pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable
Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data
bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Today marks the 8th yr. of my
rotting, overdue Kihara Construction punitive & actual damages since
the accident occured on the 14th June 2012 cause of ICC-Indicted Uhuru
Ikenya's cop illegal activities underscoring the incumbent's
political-legal abuses for which he's covering his accomplices via his
AG who shields his prosecution by still deny-delaying payment of my
proceedings courtessy of the Advocates Complaints Commission under his
office ; as demonstrated by the developing 'slideshow' in my site [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. Otherwise, the
precedence's found in [
]. My improvised charger's begun developing issues again since
yesterday and I'm afraid if it breaks down comletely my life would be
at stake of the witch-hunting 'Ondiek-Otoyo' Raila's Hyena people
savages. I got wear the rugs for 4-5 days as expounded by the title.
Fourth week indoors. T.Y.I.A. YF, E.M.
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 2020 15:16:20 +0600
Subject: Charger breakdowns vulnerabilities ; Wordpress.com slideshow
developments ; Prayers for migration / refuge and Kihara Construction
8yrs damages v. constant WILL and Vows ; Dehumanization peak on the
verge of almost walking naked / barefoot with only 2-jerseys, an
oversewn worn-out shirt, 2-jeans and a coudroy trouser
rugs-and-tatters remainning :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing /
Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid
Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Convents: Sadist Contagion-Animist
Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat
and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy
Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid
pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable
Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data
bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, Today marks the 8th yr. of my
rotting, overdue Kihara Construction punitive & actual damages since
the accident occured on the 14th June 2012 cause of ICC-Indicted Uhuru
Ikenya's cop illegal activities underscoring the incumbent's
political-legal abuses for which he's covering his accomplices via his
AG who shields his prosecution by still deny-delaying payment of my
proceedings courtessy of the Advocates Complaints Commission under his
office ; as demonstrated by the developing 'slideshow' in my site [
https://startrextraterrestrials.wordpress.com ]. Otherwise, the
precedence's found in [
]. My improvised charger's begun developing issues again since
yesterday and I'm afraid if it breaks down comletely my life would be
at stake of the witch-hunting 'Ondiek-Otoyo' Raila's Hyena people
savages. I got wear the rugs for 4-5 days as expounded by the title.
Fourth week indoors. T.Y.I.A. YF, E.M.

Friday, June 05, 2020
Update: COVID-19 Fears; Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [rd:Sexology] Homosexuals Network Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu/Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games / Disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the quickie-matriarch: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns'; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:18:59 +0600
Subject: Update: COVID-19 Fears; Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [rd:Sexology]
Homosexuals Network Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu/Bondo-Usenge
Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment
Witchuntings:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games / Disgusting
customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the
quickie-matriarch: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended
Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
is narratedly evidenced from childhood to present wilting a senior
bachelor at 42yrs incapacitated to date by jealousy Uhuru's
penilessness imposed pauperism. Otherwise, I also hold fears the
'evil-eyes' psychic-witch-vampires intend to infect me with COVID-19
in the event they contract it as has been premonitioned by the gay
dodo who as submitted in 'headline alerts' twice begun the behavior of
coughing below toward the serving bowl he's handling before passing it
over. Indeed in filthy worse scenarios like recorded then with
Safaricom, he would regurgle tea back into the thermos or 'mala' into
the satchet in which instances I would let him drink his filth alone.
I never asked to come to their abode. 'Bout to start the 3rd week
peniless indoors. SOS. Regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:01:08 +0600
Subject: Update: COVID-19 Fears; Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [rd:Sexology]
Homosexuals Network Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu/Bondo-Usenge
Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment
Witchuntings:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games / Disgusting
customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the
quickie-matriarch: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended
Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
NB : Verily, as sure as the sun rises and / or as I still breath, I'll
exhaust the due legal processes for retribution and justice before
competent lawcourts as regards ICMS e-filing of my broad lawsuit
interconnected with the Migori Police Station 9+ OBs, [ i.e. excluding
bastard Ian's ], and not to mention the homosexual harassments
underminings incorporating the cunning but unintelligent gay dodo &
his son Victor plus their associates the shallow brains 2 touts & the
[ KCP 348F ]-taxi driver. Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge and Uhuru's Bori
/ GLBTQ 'homosexuals network' 'Married But Gay' 'Mixed Orientation
Marriage' prehistoric-descendant-culture they're trying to force me
into through Uhuru's economic sabotage bondage as he brood-sits pretty
on my 7yrs 11months damages are explained in the links [
] and [ https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2020/01/scheming-mpesa-witch-huntings-savages.html
]. It's elaborate & consistent as PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 13:12:10 +0100
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : I've now started / practising code-writing softwares for
wide-ranging applications though I'm ltd by resources and my Symbian
relic & lots gotta be done in the cybers. My podcasts, online sales,
subscription TVs are also on a standstill thanks to Uhuru , his loo
bat & co. Almost walking naked and barefeet now. Constant vows. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ]. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 18:01:07 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
infested rot foods speak for themselves & aren't of my making ; even
her inlaws in Kabuto Nyatike know her once saying, "Nyaka bed ni pod
odwanyore," meaning "She must still be filthy in her mannerisms,"
which's true as you've evidenced. In any case as once reported with
Safaricom then, the quickie-witch exploited unsuspecting village folk
inviting them to a party of 'Pilau ya kuku' [ as if it's the greatest
recipe or it can't be prepared any better by folks anywhere 'cept
those who've been to Mombasa ] and then went on to serve them outside
in tented shades from buckets they used to bath-in while the rest of
the family ate in the main house from hotpots & her plus close members
in the outter kitchen. If you should visit them, don't eat or drink
anything unless they're eating / drinking from the same pot! If I
report these their 2 touts & taxi driver now who's began tracking me
from the cybers, will the cops take action or continue obstructing
justice in shielding their president? SOS. TYIA. Yours F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:39:09 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
yesterday Wednesday locking the backdoor opening to the living room as
the outtermost door opening out remained under lock retorting I could
as well stay locked there withing the study-corridor since her gay
dodo had gone with the keys to the outtermost door ; every time I made
to gather my books, pen, charger & phone to leave she locked the
living room door from inside twice before she finally opened [ after
I'd to shout out unpronounceables at her ] for me to exit & go
develope my webs / eCommerce outside in the lawn in the sun [ I avoid
'Kenyatta-Masonic-Animism' assigned quarters like hell & only use it
for necessities ] ; which before settling down in less than 10min. she
opened the outtermost door again and I resumed my limited studies /
web dev. On Tuesday the 2nd she served beans / half-loaf / tea
breakfast expecting one to eat from the bread pack cause she quarreled
when I took a 2nd plate for decency claiming I was discouraging her
visitors. The health-hazard, filthy, worm-cockroach-snail PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:12:10 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
I've consistently submitted in precedent blogs the hunger-tortures
are directly associated to the homosexual & incestuous sexual
harassment by the gay-dodo and his filthy quickie-matriarch which
they've now extended to their wider gays in the vicinity like the gay
dodo kept a gay boyfriend-maid Mwaura in his KPA flat Ganjoni [ while
his filthy-quickie-matriarch had gone upcountry ] before the
neighborhood raised eyebrows forcing his boyfriend to escape. The
sexual crimes peek with the hunger tortures. DNA maternal / paternal
tests will verify our 'step' biological relatedness / kinship which
one of the Migori OCSs once decried are way too expensive. Today 'twas
again half-a-loaf till super & yesterday's super the dodo only tasted
the greens / ugali cause they'd finished the meat exclusively in the
outter kitchen in hiding ; unless it's exhumed livestock or one
slaughtered ill ; or it's their worm-infested, market-overstayed
rot-fish. And the quickie-prostitute-matriarch's begun picking
quarrels with me PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:52:32 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
times that the 'married but gay' dodo pimp & his last son Victor
Ochieng now aged 34yrs were also homosexually harassing me in their
abode as has been reported but was dismissed at Migori Police Station
obviously outta vested interests [
] for which I look forward to exhaust the same through a civil ICMS
e-filing pending payments of my damages for which I pray civil society
groups keep-on urging the CJ to extend the Statute of Limits since my
predicament's due to Uhuru's political legal abuses. I almost got into
fists with the shallow brained touts inspite of my unfit physiology
cause of the consistent hunger-tortures which the gay dodo & his
quickie-prostitute-wife [ substantiated ] are again exploiting with
their 2nd homosexual-pervert Taxi driver with car no. plate [ KCP 348F
] which I noted some time back at the Post Office as pple sheltered
for the rains when the gay fellow came & took refuge in his taxi! PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:28:31 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
premonition-sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of the Illuminati
Freemasons Raila, Uhuru & co. to kill me through all means necessary
including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob. First 'twas Uhuru's
GSU & the 8 or so bouncers / staff at Bell's Pub Resort area organized
by his 'married but gay' bossom-buddy Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who's
confessed to having been kissed 'once' [ at least ] by a white male in
Uhuru's ex-hung club Carnivore in Nrb ; cause of his political legal
abuse protecting his gay buddy & hired assasin the case is gathering
dust for want of resources to process the P3 & Med. Exam file as I
await my sat-on damages to exhaust the same & also reward the astute
gentleman who called order and saved the night after establishing the
criminals motive. [
] Then there came the 2 touts as then reported to Safaricom when my
relic Nokia had no features to social network ; 'twas around the same
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 15:59:06 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, I'm jus' dying softly with the
psychic-vampires consistently siphoning my life-force to now a
dehumanized bachelor at 42yrs in rugs-&-tatters & 'passive male'
without a sex-life which's pivotal to the psychology of anybody's
nature of personality simply cause ICC-Indicted Uhuru chooses to
continue brood-sitting on my 7yrs 11months Kihara Construction
punitive and actual damages ; pray the Hague hounds him after office
like Sudan's Bashir. [
]. I'll be brief then expound later at an opportune time in detail
even as I reiterate my VOWS & WILL including not wanting Uhuru's GoK
jobs at any time now or in the future since I've got better plans
going into biz to make my own millions & marry my type of ladies ; not
'jinni-people' or loo-bats or Tommy-girls for that matter! SOS. Thus
as entitled the primitive strength, low iqs, trousered apes, savage
witches are witch-hunting me again as PTO
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
From: Erick Mango <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:18:59 +0600
Subject: Update: COVID-19 Fears; Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [rd:Sexology]
Homosexuals Network Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu/Bondo-Usenge
Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment
Witchuntings:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games / Disgusting
customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the
quickie-matriarch: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended
Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
is narratedly evidenced from childhood to present wilting a senior
bachelor at 42yrs incapacitated to date by jealousy Uhuru's
penilessness imposed pauperism. Otherwise, I also hold fears the
'evil-eyes' psychic-witch-vampires intend to infect me with COVID-19
in the event they contract it as has been premonitioned by the gay
dodo who as submitted in 'headline alerts' twice begun the behavior of
coughing below toward the serving bowl he's handling before passing it
over. Indeed in filthy worse scenarios like recorded then with
Safaricom, he would regurgle tea back into the thermos or 'mala' into
the satchet in which instances I would let him drink his filth alone.
I never asked to come to their abode. 'Bout to start the 3rd week
peniless indoors. SOS. Regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:01:08 +0600
Subject: Update: COVID-19 Fears; Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [rd:Sexology]
Homosexuals Network Bori/GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu/Bondo-Usenge
Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment
Witchuntings:- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting/Outlawing/Golo/Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death/Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games / Disgusting
customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the
quickie-matriarch: Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori/GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended
Jewish-kith in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns';
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
NB : Verily, as sure as the sun rises and / or as I still breath, I'll
exhaust the due legal processes for retribution and justice before
competent lawcourts as regards ICMS e-filing of my broad lawsuit
interconnected with the Migori Police Station 9+ OBs, [ i.e. excluding
bastard Ian's ], and not to mention the homosexual harassments
underminings incorporating the cunning but unintelligent gay dodo &
his son Victor plus their associates the shallow brains 2 touts & the
[ KCP 348F ]-taxi driver. Raila's Lamu / Bondo-Usenge and Uhuru's Bori
/ GLBTQ 'homosexuals network' 'Married But Gay' 'Mixed Orientation
Marriage' prehistoric-descendant-culture they're trying to force me
into through Uhuru's economic sabotage bondage as he brood-sits pretty
on my 7yrs 11months damages are explained in the links [
] and [ https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2020/01/scheming-mpesa-witch-huntings-savages.html
]. It's elaborate & consistent as PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 13:12:10 +0100
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : I've now started / practising code-writing softwares for
wide-ranging applications though I'm ltd by resources and my Symbian
relic & lots gotta be done in the cybers. My podcasts, online sales,
subscription TVs are also on a standstill thanks to Uhuru , his loo
bat & co. Almost walking naked and barefeet now. Constant vows. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ]. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 18:01:07 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
infested rot foods speak for themselves & aren't of my making ; even
her inlaws in Kabuto Nyatike know her once saying, "Nyaka bed ni pod
odwanyore," meaning "She must still be filthy in her mannerisms,"
which's true as you've evidenced. In any case as once reported with
Safaricom then, the quickie-witch exploited unsuspecting village folk
inviting them to a party of 'Pilau ya kuku' [ as if it's the greatest
recipe or it can't be prepared any better by folks anywhere 'cept
those who've been to Mombasa ] and then went on to serve them outside
in tented shades from buckets they used to bath-in while the rest of
the family ate in the main house from hotpots & her plus close members
in the outter kitchen. If you should visit them, don't eat or drink
anything unless they're eating / drinking from the same pot! If I
report these their 2 touts & taxi driver now who's began tracking me
from the cybers, will the cops take action or continue obstructing
justice in shielding their president? SOS. TYIA. Yours F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:39:09 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
yesterday Wednesday locking the backdoor opening to the living room as
the outtermost door opening out remained under lock retorting I could
as well stay locked there withing the study-corridor since her gay
dodo had gone with the keys to the outtermost door ; every time I made
to gather my books, pen, charger & phone to leave she locked the
living room door from inside twice before she finally opened [ after
I'd to shout out unpronounceables at her ] for me to exit & go
develope my webs / eCommerce outside in the lawn in the sun [ I avoid
'Kenyatta-Masonic-Animism' assigned quarters like hell & only use it
for necessities ] ; which before settling down in less than 10min. she
opened the outtermost door again and I resumed my limited studies /
web dev. On Tuesday the 2nd she served beans / half-loaf / tea
breakfast expecting one to eat from the bread pack cause she quarreled
when I took a 2nd plate for decency claiming I was discouraging her
visitors. The health-hazard, filthy, worm-cockroach-snail PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:12:10 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
I've consistently submitted in precedent blogs the hunger-tortures
are directly associated to the homosexual & incestuous sexual
harassment by the gay-dodo and his filthy quickie-matriarch which
they've now extended to their wider gays in the vicinity like the gay
dodo kept a gay boyfriend-maid Mwaura in his KPA flat Ganjoni [ while
his filthy-quickie-matriarch had gone upcountry ] before the
neighborhood raised eyebrows forcing his boyfriend to escape. The
sexual crimes peek with the hunger tortures. DNA maternal / paternal
tests will verify our 'step' biological relatedness / kinship which
one of the Migori OCSs once decried are way too expensive. Today 'twas
again half-a-loaf till super & yesterday's super the dodo only tasted
the greens / ugali cause they'd finished the meat exclusively in the
outter kitchen in hiding ; unless it's exhumed livestock or one
slaughtered ill ; or it's their worm-infested, market-overstayed
rot-fish. And the quickie-prostitute-matriarch's begun picking
quarrels with me PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:52:32 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
times that the 'married but gay' dodo pimp & his last son Victor
Ochieng now aged 34yrs were also homosexually harassing me in their
abode as has been reported but was dismissed at Migori Police Station
obviously outta vested interests [
] for which I look forward to exhaust the same through a civil ICMS
e-filing pending payments of my damages for which I pray civil society
groups keep-on urging the CJ to extend the Statute of Limits since my
predicament's due to Uhuru's political legal abuses. I almost got into
fists with the shallow brained touts inspite of my unfit physiology
cause of the consistent hunger-tortures which the gay dodo & his
quickie-prostitute-wife [ substantiated ] are again exploiting with
their 2nd homosexual-pervert Taxi driver with car no. plate [ KCP 348F
] which I noted some time back at the Post Office as pple sheltered
for the rains when the gay fellow came & took refuge in his taxi! PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:28:31 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
premonition-sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of the Illuminati
Freemasons Raila, Uhuru & co. to kill me through all means necessary
including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob. First 'twas Uhuru's
GSU & the 8 or so bouncers / staff at Bell's Pub Resort area organized
by his 'married but gay' bossom-buddy Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who's
confessed to having been kissed 'once' [ at least ] by a white male in
Uhuru's ex-hung club Carnivore in Nrb ; cause of his political legal
abuse protecting his gay buddy & hired assasin the case is gathering
dust for want of resources to process the P3 & Med. Exam file as I
await my sat-on damages to exhaust the same & also reward the astute
gentleman who called order and saved the night after establishing the
criminals motive. [
] Then there came the 2 touts as then reported to Safaricom when my
relic Nokia had no features to social network ; 'twas around the same
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 15:59:06 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, I'm jus' dying softly with the
psychic-vampires consistently siphoning my life-force to now a
dehumanized bachelor at 42yrs in rugs-&-tatters & 'passive male'
without a sex-life which's pivotal to the psychology of anybody's
nature of personality simply cause ICC-Indicted Uhuru chooses to
continue brood-sitting on my 7yrs 11months Kihara Construction
punitive and actual damages ; pray the Hague hounds him after office
like Sudan's Bashir. [
]. I'll be brief then expound later at an opportune time in detail
even as I reiterate my VOWS & WILL including not wanting Uhuru's GoK
jobs at any time now or in the future since I've got better plans
going into biz to make my own millions & marry my type of ladies ; not
'jinni-people' or loo-bats or Tommy-girls for that matter! SOS. Thus
as entitled the primitive strength, low iqs, trousered apes, savage
witches are witch-hunting me again as PTO
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.

Thursday, June 04, 2020
Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori / GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :- Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa' Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket' compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ; Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [ https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 13:12:10 +0100
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : I've now started / practising code-writing softwares for
wide-ranging applications though I'm ltd by resources and my Symbian
relic & lots gotta be done in the cybers. My podcasts, online sales,
subscription TVs are also on a standstill thanks to Uhuru , his loo
bat & co. Almost walking naked and barefeet now. Constant vows. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ]. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 18:01:07 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
infested rot foods speak for themselves & aren't of my making ; even
her inlaws in Kabuto Nyatike know her once saying, "Nyaka bed ni pod
odwanyore," meaning "She must still be filthy in her mannerisms,"
which's true as you've evidenced. In any case as once reported with
Safaricom then, the quickie-witch exploited unsuspecting village folk
inviting them to a party of 'Pilau ya kuku' [ as if it's the greatest
recipe or it can't be prepared any better by folks anywhere 'cept
those who've been to Mombasa ] and then went on to serve them outside
in tented shades from buckets they used to bath-in while the rest of
the family ate in the main house from hotpots & her plus close members
in the outter kitchen. If you should visit them, don't eat or drink
anything unless they're eating / drinking from the same pot! If I
report these their 2 touts & taxi driver now who's began tracking me
from the cybers, will the cops take action or continue obstructing
justice in shielding their president? SOS. TYIA. Yours F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:39:09 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
yesterday Wednesday locking the backdoor opening to the living room as
the outtermost door opening out remained under lock retorting I could
as well stay locked there withing the study-corridor since her gay
dodo had gone with the keys to the outtermost door ; every time I made
to gather my books, pen, charger & phone to leave she locked the
living room door from inside twice before she finally opened [ after
I'd to shout out unpronounceables at her ] for me to exit & go
develope my webs / eCommerce outside in the lawn in the sun [ I avoid
'Kenyatta-Masonic-Animism' assigned quarters like hell & only use it
for necessities ] ; which before settling down in less than 10min. she
opened the outtermost door again and I resumed my limited studies /
web dev. On Tuesday the 2nd she served beans / half-loaf / tea
breakfast expecting one to eat from the bread pack cause she quarreled
when I took a 2nd plate for decency claiming I was discouraging her
visitors. The health-hazard, filthy, worm-cockroach-snail PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:12:10 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
I've consistently submitted in precedent blogs the hunger-tortures
are directly associated to the homosexual & incestuous sexual
harassment by the gay-dodo and his filthy quickie-matriarch which
they've now extended to their wider gays in the vicinity like the gay
dodo kept a gay boyfriend-maid Mwaura in his KPA flat Ganjoni [ while
his filthy-quickie-matriarch had gone upcountry ] before the
neighborhood raised eyebrows forcing his boyfriend to escape. The
sexual crimes peek with the hunger tortures. DNA maternal / paternal
tests will verify our 'step' biological relatedness / kinship which
one of the Migori OCSs once decried are way too expensive. Today 'twas
again half-a-loaf till super & yesterday's super the dodo only tasted
the greens / ugali cause they'd finished the meat exclusively in the
outter kitchen in hiding ; unless it's exhumed livestock or one
slaughtered ill ; or it's their worm-infested, market-overstayed
rot-fish. And the quickie-prostitute-matriarch's begun picking
quarrels with me PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:52:32 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
times that the 'married but gay' dodo pimp & his last son Victor
Ochieng now aged 34yrs were also homosexually harassing me in their
abode as has been reported but was dismissed at Migori Police Station
obviously outta vested interests [
] for which I look forward to exhaust the same through a civil ICMS
e-filing pending payments of my damages for which I pray civil society
groups keep-on urging the CJ to extend the Statute of Limits since my
predicament's due to Uhuru's political legal abuses. I almost got into
fists with the shallow brained touts inspite of my unfit physiology
cause of the consistent hunger-tortures which the gay dodo & his
quickie-prostitute-wife [ substantiated ] are again exploiting with
their 2nd homosexual-pervert Taxi driver with car no. plate [ KCP 348F
] which I noted some time back at the Post Office as pple sheltered
for the rains when the gay fellow came & took refuge in his taxi! PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:28:31 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
premonition-sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of the Illuminati
Freemasons Raila, Uhuru & co. to kill me through all means necessary
including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob. First 'twas Uhuru's
GSU & the 8 or so bouncers / staff at Bell's Pub Resort area organized
by his 'married but gay' bossom-buddy Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who's
confessed to having been kissed 'once' [ at least ] by a white male in
Uhuru's ex-hung club Carnivore in Nrb ; cause of his political legal
abuse protecting his gay buddy & hired assasin the case is gathering
dust for want of resources to process the P3 & Med. Exam file as I
await my sat-on damages to exhaust the same & also reward the astute
gentleman who called order and saved the night after establishing the
criminals motive. [
] Then there came the 2 touts as then reported to Safaricom when my
relic Nokia had no features to social network ; 'twas around the same
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 15:59:06 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, I'm jus' dying softly with the
psychic-vampires consistently siphoning my life-force to now a
dehumanized bachelor at 42yrs in rugs-&-tatters & 'passive male'
without a sex-life which's pivotal to the psychology of anybody's
nature of personality simply cause ICC-Indicted Uhuru chooses to
continue brood-sitting on my 7yrs 11months Kihara Construction
punitive and actual damages ; pray the Hague hounds him after office
like Sudan's Bashir. [
]. I'll be brief then expound later at an opportune time in detail
even as I reiterate my VOWS & WILL including not wanting Uhuru's GoK
jobs at any time now or in the future since I've got better plans
going into biz to make my own millions & marry my type of ladies ; not
'jinni-people' or loo-bats or Tommy-girls for that matter! SOS. Thus
as entitled the primitive strength, low iqs, trousered apes, savage
witches are witch-hunting me again as PTO
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
From: Erick Mango <erickmango4521@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 13:12:10 +0100
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango2006@yahoo.com
NB : I've now started / practising code-writing softwares for
wide-ranging applications though I'm ltd by resources and my Symbian
relic & lots gotta be done in the cybers. My podcasts, online sales,
subscription TVs are also on a standstill thanks to Uhuru , his loo
bat & co. Almost walking naked and barefeet now. Constant vows. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ]. SOS.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 18:01:07 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: erickmango4521@gmail.com
infested rot foods speak for themselves & aren't of my making ; even
her inlaws in Kabuto Nyatike know her once saying, "Nyaka bed ni pod
odwanyore," meaning "She must still be filthy in her mannerisms,"
which's true as you've evidenced. In any case as once reported with
Safaricom then, the quickie-witch exploited unsuspecting village folk
inviting them to a party of 'Pilau ya kuku' [ as if it's the greatest
recipe or it can't be prepared any better by folks anywhere 'cept
those who've been to Mombasa ] and then went on to serve them outside
in tented shades from buckets they used to bath-in while the rest of
the family ate in the main house from hotpots & her plus close members
in the outter kitchen. If you should visit them, don't eat or drink
anything unless they're eating / drinking from the same pot! If I
report these their 2 touts & taxi driver now who's began tracking me
from the cybers, will the cops take action or continue obstructing
justice in shielding their president? SOS. TYIA. Yours F, E.M.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:39:09 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
yesterday Wednesday locking the backdoor opening to the living room as
the outtermost door opening out remained under lock retorting I could
as well stay locked there withing the study-corridor since her gay
dodo had gone with the keys to the outtermost door ; every time I made
to gather my books, pen, charger & phone to leave she locked the
living room door from inside twice before she finally opened [ after
I'd to shout out unpronounceables at her ] for me to exit & go
develope my webs / eCommerce outside in the lawn in the sun [ I avoid
'Kenyatta-Masonic-Animism' assigned quarters like hell & only use it
for necessities ] ; which before settling down in less than 10min. she
opened the outtermost door again and I resumed my limited studies /
web dev. On Tuesday the 2nd she served beans / half-loaf / tea
breakfast expecting one to eat from the bread pack cause she quarreled
when I took a 2nd plate for decency claiming I was discouraging her
visitors. The health-hazard, filthy, worm-cockroach-snail PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:12:10 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
I've consistently submitted in precedent blogs the hunger-tortures
are directly associated to the homosexual & incestuous sexual
harassment by the gay-dodo and his filthy quickie-matriarch which
they've now extended to their wider gays in the vicinity like the gay
dodo kept a gay boyfriend-maid Mwaura in his KPA flat Ganjoni [ while
his filthy-quickie-matriarch had gone upcountry ] before the
neighborhood raised eyebrows forcing his boyfriend to escape. The
sexual crimes peek with the hunger tortures. DNA maternal / paternal
tests will verify our 'step' biological relatedness / kinship which
one of the Migori OCSs once decried are way too expensive. Today 'twas
again half-a-loaf till super & yesterday's super the dodo only tasted
the greens / ugali cause they'd finished the meat exclusively in the
outter kitchen in hiding ; unless it's exhumed livestock or one
slaughtered ill ; or it's their worm-infested, market-overstayed
rot-fish. And the quickie-prostitute-matriarch's begun picking
quarrels with me PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:52:32 +0600
Subject: Fwd: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
times that the 'married but gay' dodo pimp & his last son Victor
Ochieng now aged 34yrs were also homosexually harassing me in their
abode as has been reported but was dismissed at Migori Police Station
obviously outta vested interests [
] for which I look forward to exhaust the same through a civil ICMS
e-filing pending payments of my damages for which I pray civil society
groups keep-on urging the CJ to extend the Statute of Limits since my
predicament's due to Uhuru's political legal abuses. I almost got into
fists with the shallow brained touts inspite of my unfit physiology
cause of the consistent hunger-tortures which the gay dodo & his
quickie-prostitute-wife [ substantiated ] are again exploiting with
their 2nd homosexual-pervert Taxi driver with car no. plate [ KCP 348F
] which I noted some time back at the Post Office as pple sheltered
for the rains when the gay fellow came & took refuge in his taxi! PTO
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 16:28:31 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
premonition-sanctioned by ex-Chief Amara on behalf of the Illuminati
Freemasons Raila, Uhuru & co. to kill me through all means necessary
including rat-poisoning or a machete-hacking mob. First 'twas Uhuru's
GSU & the 8 or so bouncers / staff at Bell's Pub Resort area organized
by his 'married but gay' bossom-buddy Eng. Emmanuel Edgar Sirma who's
confessed to having been kissed 'once' [ at least ] by a white male in
Uhuru's ex-hung club Carnivore in Nrb ; cause of his political legal
abuse protecting his gay buddy & hired assasin the case is gathering
dust for want of resources to process the P3 & Med. Exam file as I
await my sat-on damages to exhaust the same & also reward the astute
gentleman who called order and saved the night after establishing the
criminals motive. [
] Then there came the 2 touts as then reported to Safaricom when my
relic Nokia had no features to social network ; 'twas around the same
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason Bourne <jbournd007@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 15:59:06 +0600
Subject: Evil-Eyes 'Penis Envy' [ rd : Sexology ] Bori /
GLBTQ-Occultist Uhuru and Lamu / Bondo-Usenge Raila's 'Ondiek
Otoyo'-Hyena People Witches Homosexual-Harassment Witchuntings :-
Mud-slingings 'Outcasting / Outlawing / Golo / Kutolewa'
Scheme-Strategies in 'The Making of Archetypes' Amid Elaborate Funeral
Death / Zombie Cults Cyclic-Ritual Hunger-Tortures
Under-and-Malnutrition Forced Dependency Food-Poker Games plus 'The
disgusting customary worm-cockroach-snail infested and soiled-dishes
of the quickie-matriarch : Sadist Contagion-Animist Psychic Vampires
ICC-Indicted Bori / GLBT-Occultist Uhuru, his loo-bat and their
extended Jewish-kiths in cahoots with his 'Brokeside Dairy Jacket'
compulsive-neurotic, sex-pervet, dysfunctional Turpins 'paid pawns' ;
Uhuru's AG's Kihara-Construction 7yrs 11months 50% repayable Survival
and eCommerce soft loans, spare cash, Bonga Points or data bundles
contacts are as provided within links. SOS. [
https://sendfox.com/intradeliveries ].
To: jbournd007@gmail.com
Dear Sir / Madam, I'm jus' dying softly with the
psychic-vampires consistently siphoning my life-force to now a
dehumanized bachelor at 42yrs in rugs-&-tatters & 'passive male'
without a sex-life which's pivotal to the psychology of anybody's
nature of personality simply cause ICC-Indicted Uhuru chooses to
continue brood-sitting on my 7yrs 11months Kihara Construction
punitive and actual damages ; pray the Hague hounds him after office
like Sudan's Bashir. [
]. I'll be brief then expound later at an opportune time in detail
even as I reiterate my VOWS & WILL including not wanting Uhuru's GoK
jobs at any time now or in the future since I've got better plans
going into biz to make my own millions & marry my type of ladies ; not
'jinni-people' or loo-bats or Tommy-girls for that matter! SOS. Thus
as entitled the primitive strength, low iqs, trousered apes, savage
witches are witch-hunting me again as PTO
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.
Rally-up drum support-call for a NOW 7.9yrs accident-damages case &
The broader Political Asylum / Refuge Criminal-&-Civil Lawsuit against
Raila-Uhuru Jinn-Theocracy's GoK Political-Legal Abuses'
Endless-Persecution, Sanctioned Arrested-Development, Involuntary
Systems Of Committment & Rape Of Conscience still at 42yrs curtaling
my dates & marriage. E-Commerce development & survival spare cash /
soft loans to be repaid with a 50% interest once Uhuru's AG pays-up my
Kihara-Construction punitive & actual damages : +254723047863 &
+254764087863. Turn a passive-male ebbing existence back to track on
life. { Single-ladies who value strong family traditions ready to
settle-down, avail yourselves }. AG-phones & Amicus Curiae :-{
https://erick-mango.blogspot.com/2016/12 }; {
}; { https://startrextraterrestrials.blogspot.com/2019/09/ecmis-formal-anticipatory-soft-copy-e.html
}. SOS.

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