Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Prosecuting Raila : Ex-Treason Convict and Serial Ritual Psycopath Murderer.

          Hi all and sundry. Pardon me, It’s been quite a long time simply cause I didn’t wonna appear to be subjudice to the court process and / or therefore appear to be in contempt of the court as regards the case for my accident-damages which is clearly disassociated from the larger lawsuit as a whole as is evident in my prologue / forward. Otherwise, I intend to down load hardcopies of the evidence-submissions softcopies in my platform-blog site for purposes of filing the lawsuit formally once I complete submitting-evidence.
          Thus, I intend to lend more credence and threshold to the Hypothetical-Deductive Evidence of Evolutionary-Anthropology studying the evolution of human-physiology and behavior as well as the relationship between hominids and non-human hominid-primates to showcase that PALEONTOLOGICAL-TRENDS indicate there’s a successive order to the development of life demonstrating that  life in its diverse, ingenuous, myriad forms including the EVOLUTIONARY-PROCESS leading to the emergence of Anatomically-Modern-Humans  with all his complex, advanced, mental-apparatus faculties/capacity including his moral-sensibilities ORIGINATED NATURALLY  from natural causes in ADAPTIVE-RADIATION from a common-ancestor to increasingly  change and develop gradually from lower-primitive-forms to higher-complex-advanced forms in descent with modifications to new forms; in physiology, anatomy and behavior concurrently in The UPPER-PALEOLITHIC-REVOLUTION, through the process of evolution regulated by NATURAL-SELECTION acting on distinct, beneficial phenotype-trait variations produced by  accumulated-genetic-mutations, horizontal-gene-transfers and genetic-recombinations which consequently resulted in the INCREASED-GENETIC-VARIATIONS, illustrated by sequence-homology and analogous-traits in the BIOLOGICAL-TAXONOMICAL-CLASSIFICATION of LIVING-THINGS; in the complex-continuous-changing condition/pressures of NATURAL-POPULATIONS gradually over vast-ages spanning 4.5 billion years and extrapolating from micro- to macro-evolution creating new species in multiple steps as 1-ancestral hominid-fossil-species evolved into the next descending generation due to the significance of ECOLOGICAL-FACTORS such as NICHE-OCCUPATION and BARRIERS-to-GENE FLOW arising from GEOGRAPHICAL-SEPARATIONS/ ISOLATIONS preventing PROTO-POPULATIONS from exchanging genes with each other ; and /or from DISCONTINUITIES AMONGST OTHER-TAXAS / SPECIES due to EXTINCTION-EVENTS…………all these courtesy of the MECHANISMS of GENETIC-MEMORY in MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY-INHERITANCE and COMMON-DESCENT TRAIT-INHERITANCE across space-and-time and hence confirming the SCIENCE of EVOLUTION 101% beyond reasonable doubt leaving no room at all whatsoever for superstitious, mystified, religious fallacies.
                Thus did the bio-cultural evolutionary-process leading to the emergence of anatomically-modern-humans in the time-period spanning the stone ages between 2.5 million years ago and / up to 5000BC demonstrate that the INCREASE in their BRAIN SIZE-and-VOLUME ,i.e. ENCEPHALIZATION underpin the evolution of humanity’s TECHNOLOGICAL-ADAPTATIONS including advancements, developments and elaborations of the same as well as humanity’s moral-sensibilities including the PRE-ADAPTATION-of-SPEECH following on RUDIMENTARY-SPEECH. Thus, evolution through the process of  natural-selection by adaptation of distinct phenotype-traits equips organism-species with selective,reproductive and survival-fitness adaptive-performance-values which in turn cause the species to  evolve into forms better able to  effectively-and-intensely so , adapt, thrive and survive in a competition-struggle-for-the-fittest in the continuous-changing-complex-complex-conditions/pressures of natural-populations even as GENETIC-NATURE-POTENTIAL interacts with ENVIRONMENTAL-NURTURE-POTENTIAL so as to successfully settle-down in successive generations simply cause beneficial-mutations in their GENOTYPES across the GENOMIC-VARIATION of the DISTRIBUTION-of-DIVERSITY of the myriad, ingenuous life’s ORGANISM-SPECIES were consistently selected-for accordingly with the GENETIC-MECHANISMS mentioned above.
              Thus, anatomic-and-physiological studies of form-and-function respectively reveal that  most aspects of human anatomy-and-physiology are CLOSELY-HOMOLOGOUS to CORRESPONDING-ASPECTS of animal anatomy-and-physiology; whereby human-physiology is defined as the science of the mechanical, physical, biochemical and bio-electrical functions of humans in good health, their organs and cell of which they are composed of. Hence, at this point I take the solemn opportunity to ask my fervent readers to read / goggle :Homosexual-Evolution AND SEE THE EVIDENT HOMOLOGOUS-ANALOGY between HUMAN-HOMINIDS and NON-HUMAN HOMINID-PRIMATES; then compare-and-contrast it with LAMU / BONDO-USENGE MIXED-ORIENTATION-MARRIAGES of THE MARRIED-BUT-GAY GLBT SECRET-SOCIETY including NIGERIAN-HAUSA BORI / YAN-DAU Cult as well as Prof. Wangari Maathai’s book ‘UNBOWED’ revealed to me by turn-coat-comrade Eng. Emmannuel-Edger-Sirma WHO CONFESSED TO HAVING BEEN KISSED [ AT LEAST ONCE ] by a white-male in CARNIVORE-NAIROBI…. which speaks volumes together with the likes of George-Orwell’s book ‘ANIMAL-FARM’ whose THEME-SLOGAN ‘TWO-LEGS GOOD, FOUR-LEGS BAD’ also speaks volumes jus’ as well! Later,  logistics.

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