Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
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Saturday, January 12, 2013

POLITICS : The Ironies of The Tragedies and Comedies of Politics in Kenya.

Happy 2013 everybody. Hey,I decided to give the "Religion/Science" thing a break momentarily due to the interesting course/developments of politics in Kenya accompanied by its weird politician species as well as its strange electorate species. It's only 51 days to the much anticipated March 4th 2013 elections, the dailies headlines screamed today. The main CORD coalition of close to 15/14 parties formed by the immediate prime minister, vice president and former foreign affairs portfolio officer is fighting it out with other loose/minor alliances and coalitions but with quiet relevant numbers/votes as well which if coalesced together will only leave a gain-able margin of approximately 3.06% cause the data given by the opinion pollsters is that the major CORD coalition purported or largely viewed as will be the most likely precursor to the current government has a following { if elections were abruptly[to be] held today } of a mere 51% followed by The Jubilee coalition of The ICC deputy P.M. and his ICC counterpart who will likely score an average of 39% while the rest of the other minor constellations/parties pull-up an average of 3%,3%,0.3%, 0.1% and some other like 2%. Thus, it consequently follows of convenient necessity that all the other minor/ little constellations will have no alternative choice but to merge or else face the prospects of being outside the ruling government margin and you just know how much that factor contributes to the overall political aspirations/ambitions of the better fraction of Kenyan politician species. I hope you haven't forgotten that they all suffer invariably from the unique Kenyan virus of "it's our time to eat" syndrome. This is where the equivalently Strange Kenyan electorate species is also catapulted in to the wild forays of the Kenyan politician after their ethnic emotions have been fanned in to the fallacious belief that their ethnic cocoons/blocks/units/communities are going to be factored in in the thinly-veiled individual private business interests of their ethnic chiefs/shepherds. In fact if anything , quiet a large number of The Kenyan voter did not bother to register as a voter.Out of a targeted 18 million voters only 14m ended-up being registered by The Interim Independent Electoral Commission. They are afraid of a possible repeat of the 2007 post election violence which killed close to 1,333 and displaced more than 5000 others, both internally and externally. Indeed we still have Kenyan refugees in neighboring Uganda who'd rather stay there as refugees than come back to hopelessness in Kenya.A controversial bill to grant the current elected government servants a whooping KShs.9.3m send-off package has of course caused an uproar by the civil society and other stake holders. Our bunch of these elected civil servants high-way-robbers are quiet a notorious lot especially when it comes to awarding themselves unnecessary hefty packages on-and-off during any particular parliament-lifetime.The Kenyan public is waiting with abated breath to see the outcome of these tussle the govt. has decided to unleash just when we have the elections to deal with as well. You see, it happens that we are having/going to put in a new way of running the business of government by implementing fully the new structural government as enshrined in the new constitution that took the country steel and blood for more than close to 25 years. Thus there are new post and tittles to be filled in and new criteria/methodology to elect and appoint leaders and executives/officers of the next government and everybody is running the hell up and down jostling for the new won freedom never realized before.Now since the main challenger to the major coalition CORD is formed of the 2 ICC suspects it will be most likely that they will form a coalition with the rest of the minor constellations to better their chances of having a sway over the next government just in case AU or just Kenya decides to relent and fully cooperate with the ICC. So far, the scenario is such that the government stated categorically today that they are not going to relent/cooperate with The ICC regarding the matter/issue of freezing the assets/accounts of the 2 contesting ICC suspects.Remember Albashir of Sudan who is wanted by The ICC for the same crimes/sins the contending Kenyan duo are wanted for. He can't fly some places lest the ICC nabs him. An arrest warrant for him was issued by a Kenyan judge but wasn't observed when he came twice to Kenya, once for the inauguration of the new constitutional dispensation and the other I can't remember. If we are to go by that mood/approach then it will most likely turn out that African governments are generally planning a sabotage of sorts of The ICC. It's now like an open secret we have coming, everybody can see where AU is headed. All in all the 2 contending/ running mate candidates are going to have to attempt to safely sail through the ICC cloud hanging over their heads like a judge's life-sentence-hammer through thick and thin. If they gang-up all the remaining pee wee constellations/alliances, then they will close-up the winning-margin if today's pollsters are anything to go by. Hey, the sins/crimes of Bashir of Sudan are on a larger scale than those of his Kenyan duo-counterpart regarding period-length and numbers involved. The S.Sudanese fought for close to 22years and they are still recuperating from the inflicted grievous/ psychological harm.The big fishes don't wonna be caught ever no matter what. AU's initial claim that the ICC was a perceived tool of the west to hold sway over the resources/politics of Africa doesn't hold water no more for Palestine is also planning to move Israel over to ICC as well. Then add to the other numerous but isolated Western cases. Slowly The Globe is spinning to the realization that a Super court/value system is a necessity we can't do without for the sake of universal observance of Human Rights. Thus, our hearts, the Kenyan electorate beats with each passing day as the March 4th elections come to a header. The country seems incapacitated to deal with security for skirmishes are still rife in different parts of the state.We are adopting a wait-and-see approach. They are saying the elections may end-up being won either at the courts or at the ballots.Later logistics.

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