Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.

Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law.
Solar System Media: Les Misérables Activists-Advocacy-Lobbyists and Consultants at Law-This is an Online-Jobs Entrepreneurship / Business Services-Provider, Social Media Marketing / Virtual Assistant (Administrative) and Retail-Goods Affiliate-Marketing involving: (1.)-Community Paralegals for Legal Document Assistant (LDA) / Legal Technician / Court Document Preparers / Court Forms Providers as far as Activism-and-Lobbying for Causes go concerning Human-Rights-Advocacy for suppressed voices and the tax-overburdened oppressed laity including dis-inherited widows, orphans and the destitute; (2.)-French, English, Swahili Translator / Interpreter / Teacher / Tour Guide; (3.)-Publisher for Affiliate Marketing in freelance writing, blogging, transcription and podcasting;

Monday, July 30, 2012

State Terror : Murder Most Foul ; The Bolivarian Ambassador of The Venezuelian Republic to Kenya : Comparisons, Contrasts and Inferences.

My dear readers, I would like to state categorically that the systematic discrimination / stigmatization that I have been facing is organized along party lines spear-headed by non other than the sectarian wing of The Orange Democratic Movement { of The Prime Minister } of The coalition government of The Republic of Kenya. I am now going to entail a description of the sequence of the tactics used and then leave you virtual s to make your own verdicts.
I am obliged to begin with the organized crimes involving muggings, break-ins and robberies that I underwent in Mombasa in the supposedly security secure district along the Kenya Navy Barracks. I was then hired as a casual laborer in a grain bulk facility connected to the port of Mombasa and the majority of my fellow workmates were extreme adherents of the ODM party. The open systematic discrimination I witnessed there accrued from the fact that I was an open democratic supporter of the other half of the coalition; The Party of National Unity { PNU }. My trauma started when my work-shifts were changed to night time and by the time I finished work, crossed the ferry, boarded the public means of transport and alighted at The Navy Barracks Quarters, it was usually heading well past mid-night.
The first time the two thugs armed with large swords the type used to chop trees took me by surprise albeit military style cause their attack was mathematically precise and I didn't catch a whiff of the air as one of them jumped on to my neck from behind while the other went on to ransack my pockets as quickly as they could. I could tell the arms around my neck were trained arms not withstanding the bulk muscles as I struggled for air and at the same time to stop the damn ransack er but to no avail. I had money in my back pocket which they didn't bother to search all they wanted was my mobile phone { some petty sumsung model }and after I gave-in and slumped to the ground, they took-off as swiftly as they had come. My attempts to follow on their heels were thwarted by the menacing look of their sharp swords with which they threateningly swerved towards me as they made good their escape against the lime-light of the moon. Mind you, I was shouting at the top of my voice as I at first attempted to pursue them before I gave-up; after all life is worth much more than a mobile phone which can be replaced.

The second mugging came several weeks later as I came from work using the another route from the main road after alighting at the road side. I had now adopted the counter-strategy of looking at all the compass directions as I headed home every night from my work place. This time around the muggers were typically arrogant as the made their attack almost in the full beam light of the moon just after I thought I had  made good my surveillance and had just made a corner around the last compound fence and passing a late-night gathering which made think I was now secure. They pounced on me and a repeat of the mugging procedure with all the mathematical military preciseness. Again they took no money other than the mobile phone and their long knives prevented any attempt on my part to pursue them. The gathering only watched albeit with feigned surprise and nothing more.

The Bolivarian Ambassador of The Venezuelian Republic to Kenya was recently murdered via strangling in her private official residence in Runda Nairobi, one Mrs. Olga Francesca with her hands cuffed from behind and it reminded me of the precise mathematical exactness of what had happened to me. Logistics, I will expound more later virtual s.

Monday, July 23, 2012

State Terror : Press Muzzlings and Black-outs.

Hi bloggers, I forgot to mention that employment discrimination and discrimination at the work place are some of the subversive state terror acts I 've been subjected to as a victim of the above. This is to imply that once you have been black-listed as a victim of of state atrocities, there's nothing you can do it's tantamount to arrested development; infact the feeling is that of a fugitive running to save the life they live. You end-up living below the standards of poverty till it strikes you if you can guesse it that you are being tracked.If not careful you may loose your vocational and social skills as well given that you are subjected to long periods of unemployment.
The few times you may be allowed casual labor it's for the worst of working conditions / situations that you get considered and usually it's not connected to your trainning, it's just for survival. You live worse than a refugee.Before I got deported due to exercising the freedom of expression and trying to get back to my area of trainning and experience , the county ooficials arrested me and not knowing what to charge me with first preferred " loitering " at the county courts in Mombasa and finally chaged the charges to "community nuinsance" once they shipped me to prison where I spent five goddamn days.
after the five days they paid bail for me then told me their orders were to deport me to Migori and the case that was due for mention on the 25th of that month of June was aptly managed by simply tearing the case file and charge sheets in compliance with the magistrates chambers.
 Hey for now I have been placed on a physiotherapy programme at the district hospital while I working round the clock to set the wheels of justice in motion regarding the accident case. I underwent electronic physiotherapy by the use of an electronic mini muscle stimulator and arm clinical massage. Don't know how long it will last neither for the state nightmare of this subversion terror. Later virtuals.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

State Terror : Press Muzzlings and Black-outs

Hi virtual s, I've squeezed another opportunity which is nowadays hard to come-by cause of the consistent state subversion terror battles that I've been experiencing for quiet a long time and have now climaxed .To set the ball rolling, I would begin but just to mention the most recent perpetration of this state atrocity following the after math of an accident I had courtesy of the county officials who had undertaken the task of deporting me  one of the wings of the state's coalition government if not both cause I don't succumb to the concept that the left hand could do something and the right hand fails to get an idea of what's going on.
It's been now a whole month and like a week since the accident and the impact on the right palm has spread all over the right hand and I've got to adapt to using it less more than the left hand; now I have had to solicit for funds to under-go an x-ray for proper diagnosis and treatment for immediately after the accident, a collision between a construction canter and a the motorbike we were aboard, the county officials engaged in a conspiracy to subvert the cause of justice by referring me to a quack-like private clinic while intentionally evading the better well equipped district hospital just so there would be no files or records of their torturous subversive activities.I have to keep my hand in a downward position for it can't stay up for long periods, the left arm supports the right arm in all it activities and the fevers are frequent got to use painkillers.
 I'll continue with other subversive torturous-terror acts of the state later due to logistics and this chapters will include: 1: solitary confinement,
            2: organized crimes including break-in robberies and muggings,
            3: arbitrary arrests and detentions,
            4: sexual crimes of the nature of mishandling s and hit tings of private parts geared to effect    psychological and mental torture,
            5: subjections to  unethical modes of therapy

Later virtuls.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Press Muzzlings and Black-outs.

Hi blogger s , I am back but with a limp. I feel like the late Ken Sarowiwa who was terminated in Nigeria years back due to free expression. I will be fully compliant soon just bear with me as I negotiate the circumstances with the powers of darkness that be . In the mean time I will of priority share with you my thoughts on state terror and also some interesting  anecdotes from my autobiography.
Hey, by the way I got deported from Mombasa and now I am trying to operate from the western parts of the country side namely, Migori. Adios.

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